Chapter 18

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Liv's POV-

I woke up, back in bed. I looked around and saw that it was still dark out. I looked at my alarm clock, it was 5:20 in the morning, about the time I usually get up. 

I got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth, sneaking out of my room and downstairs.  I found Garroth sleeping on the couch, tired out.  I saw my file on his stomach, so I decided it was best to take it and not let anyone else take it, so I put it in the bag with Zane's amulet, which I surprisingly still have.

I got outside and looked around.  The sun was rising over the horizon, which gave me time to go see the Irene Statue, since I didn't get to before.  I walked to town and to the hill that held the Irene Statue.  I looked up at it and saw its beauty. 

"Oh Irene, I need your help." I mumbled as I got on my knees, sitting on my feet.  I put my hands in my lap and stared at the statue.  "Sakura is stuck in your dimension, and I need to get her back.  I will give up anything to get her back.  She is an important part of my life and she never deserved to be gone.  Please, Irene, I just need some help." I mumbled a little louder, looking at my hands. 

I looked up at the statue one last time before standing up, wiping off the dirt.  I turned around and walked away from the statue when all of a sudden, a bright light came from behind me.  I turned around to see a ghost, a real ghost, flying right in front of me. 

"Young girl, what is your name?" The ghost asked.  The ghost had really long hair, a dress, and she was completely white. 

"I am Olivia, and who are you?" I asked politely, stepping towards her. 

"I am Nikita, a helper of the Irene Dimension.  I hear that you are in need of help of receiving someone from the Irene Dimension?" She asked me.  I nodded in response.  "What is their name?"

"Her name is Sakura, and I would also like to receive Jeffery, if I may." I told her, looking up at her. 

She mumbled something before looking at the portal.  "You must pay me something in return.  What do you plan to give me?" She asked me. 

I thought for a moment.  I didn't plan on dying anytime soon, and I didn't know all the options.  "Any will be fine, just not death." I said. 

She laughed a bit.  "I knew that was coming.  Step inside, Miss Olivia." She said, motioning me to step through the portal. 

I found myself in a huge room with a statue in front of me as I knelt on the ground.  I got up and looked behind me.  Sakura and Jeffery were standing there in awe, shocked of whatever just happened. 

"Jeffery, Sakura!" I called in happiness, running over to them and hugging them.  "It's nice to know you're okay." I said.  "Now, it's time to go home." I said with a smile. 

"What about Abby?  Did you receive her?" Jeffery asked. 

I shook my head.  "This happened all of a sudden, so you can receive her yourself." I said with a smile. 

"How will I explain this to Katelyn?" He mumbled. 

In the middle of the room, a portal showed up.  I motioned them to jump through before I did, taking one last good look at the place before I didn't see a thing...

-Garroth's POV-

I woke up and looked around. It was about 6:00 in the morning, which was about the normal time I wake up. Last night, I fell asleep reading Olivia's file, but now it's no where to be seen. I looked in the pile of files, no dice. I looked under the couch and under everything, nothing.

I decided to see if Liv had it, so I quietly walked up the stairs and knocked on Liv's door. "Liv? Can I come in?" I said quietly as I knocked a few more times. I didn't hear anything, so I walked in to see if she was sleeping.

I walked in and saw her bed was made and one of her drawers were open. She must've went out, without waking me.

I ran downstairs and out the door and looked around. I saw a bright light come from the Irene Statue, making me run towards it. I made my way to there and saw Olivia was there, on the ground, out cold, while Jeffery and Sakura were standing beside her, eyes closed.

Sakura's eyes opened and the first thing she noticed was me. "H-How?!" I called out in shock.

"Olivia, she-" Jeffery's eyes opened as Sakura looked over at Olivia's unconscious body. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, no!" She called out as she got down beside her body. "Sh-She gave up a month without waking up. Why? Why that?" She called out.

"Because she didn't choose." Jeffery answered.

"How do you know?" I called out. "You weren't even there! You're suppose to be dead!"

"I was in the Irene Dimension, not completely dead. Olivia was thoughtful enough to bring us both back, without taking her life." He responded, not answering my question.

"Answer his question, Jeffery. We need to know." Sakura told him as she looked up at him.

He sighed. "I was watching over her as she did all of it. That's why I sent Nikita to tell her about everything and help her out." He explained.

"Is that why you always zoned out? To watch over everything?" Sakura asked. He nodded.

"Either way, what's going to happen to Olivia?" I asked as I got down to her side.

"She will be unconscious for a while, not a month precisely, but a little longer than a month." Jeffery told us.

I decided it was best to not let her rest here, so I picked her up and carried her to Aphmau's home, where it will be much safer for her to stay.


Sorry for short chapter, I'll make the next one longer. I also would like to thank you for 1K reads! It's the best early birthday present! Thank you all! (Ps, my birthday is 1/28!!). Caio!!!!


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