Chapter 22

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-Olivia's POV-

"What do you mean they're red? How are they red?" I asked, feeling my face like it's going to do something to my eyes.

"I mean they're red. Maybe your ShadowKnight form." Laurence responded. 

"But I didn't kill anyone important to me to get my eyes red!" I said, looking at my shoes.  I didn't know what else to do. 

I then heard someone scream and a lot of people running.  It was at the docks.  "What's going on?" Garroth asked. 

"I don't know, but we need to find out.  Come on!" I said, dragging them all to the place where people were fighting.

We soon got there and I saw that Sakura was on the ground, hardly breathing. Aphmau and some of the guards like Dante were chasing away the O'Khasis army. I ran to Sakura's side and saw that she was bleeding.

"S-Sakura!" I screamed out, looking down at her almost lifeless body. "Aphmau, do something!" I cried out, looking at Aph with tears welling up in my eyes.

"What can I do?! I can't do anything!" She called out, sorrow in her eyes.


"N-No." I heard a whisper say to me. I looked at Sakura and saw she was the one talking. "J-Just take care o-of Phoenix Drop for m-me..." She said quietly before her life slipped away.

"Sakura?" I called, shaking her. There was no response, not even a movement. Her eyes slowly closed and she was now lighter in weight. She was gone...


As the week slowly went by, I stayed cooped up in my house, in my room mostly, keeping my door shut and all the blinds down, no light seeping into my room. Every now and again, Aphmau offers food, leaves it in my room and leaves me be, I keep it in there until she comes back with another plate, just to notice that I haven't even touched the first plate.

This happens every morning, midday, and evening, and sometimes Laurence or Garroth come in and try to talk to me. I either hide under my blanket or just turn my head to the side, implying that I don't want to talk.

I looked at the necklace again and again, not knowing what to do with it. I should take it off, but how should I ever? It hurts too much...

As I zone out, I heard another knock at my door for the second time today. I didn't say anything and they invited themselves in.

"Olivia." It was Dante, surprisingly. He hasn't talked to me in a week. I looked up at him before I pulled my blanket up and laid down, looking at my wall. "Come on, can you at least listen to me?" He asked, sitting on my bed.

I sat up and nodded towards him, making him make a small smile before continuing. "Everyone is worried about you. You haven't ate, you haven't slept, you haven't even come out of your house. You've only been in this room, including the bathroom, of course." He tried being funny, but I never reacted.

"Anyway, I'm sorry for this, but I'm dragging you out of this room, one way or another." Dante said, and before I could react, he grabbed my hand and started tugging, dragging me slowly out of the room.

I struggled, trying to free myself from his grasp, groaning as I struggled. We got to the top of the stairs and he picked me up, which is when I gave up. I saw Aph, Garroth, Laurence, Lucy, and Zoey downstairs, and there's a cake on the table, made by Kawaii-Chan.

"Wait, how did you-" Garroth asked.

"I literally dragged her." Dante told him immediately. I rolled my eyes as he set me on the couch.

"Olivia, come on, talk to us.  You haven't come out of there since..." Laurence trailed off, but Aph smacked his head, making him grunt in pain. 

"Olivia, don't listen to him.  Just talk whenever you need to.  Just know we're always here for you." Aph said, smiling towards me, but with a serious expression.  I nodded to her as a thanks as I gripped the necklace like crazy.  I'm never letting it go, never letting anyone have it. 

And now I plan to seek revenge.  This is Zane's doings, but now it's my turn.  I'll get him or I'll die trying...


Hey guys, Liv here to say I'm sorry again for another short chapter.  I have been going through a rough time, and I may have done something I regret, but I'm going to fix it.

Anyway, I've noticed on my Instagram, just scrolling through everyone I follow, they are having a rough time theirselves.  I am here for you always, and if you don't like to message on here, you could always text me on my Instagram _LivieTravis_ or my Twitter LivBopGaming and we can talk there.  If you are having a bad day or just bad everything in general, please feel free to text me on any social media you and I both have.  I will try and respond as fast as I can, I promise that.  And I am judgement free and I will never make fun of any of your situations.  I will try and make you laugh and happy once again, even if I don't know you personally. 

Please, just know someone is here for you, even if it's me, a complete stranger who updates these type of books for my fans.  Remember, there is at least one person in this world who cares for you, and most likely more than just 1. 

Now, I have to go.  I'm Liv and I'll update soon. CAIIOOO!!


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