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-{Garroth's POV}-

After finishing, they went somewhere, leaving Olivia and I to do our own thing.  "I want to visit the wall today, Garroth.  I need some fresh air and some relaxation, just for a day, please?" She begged. 

"Fine, but I'm not leaving your side." I told her. 

"I'm okay with that." She said as she walked out the door, her sword in her hands.  I grabbed my armor, putting it in my inventory, following her out the door. 

I grabbed her arm and lead her to the wall, going up the ladder.  "Here we are." I said, looking out at the outside of the wall.  "Dante, take a break!  I can take it from here." I told Dante.  He nodded, smiling, before going down the ladder. 

"So, Liv, I wanted to talk to you about something." I started.  She nodded, holding onto the railing.  "I want to know who your sister really is." I said to her, making her a little shocked, but it was barely noticeable.

She sighed.  "Aaron told you so much, and yet, it was a minor detail in my life.  I wish I knew as much as you know about your brother, Zane, but I only know so much about my sister." She started out.  "I was 13 when she went somewhere.  At 12, she was kidnapped by someone, but I never knew who.  She was 11 at the time, so I was scared for my life, loosing my little sis' like that." She sighed again, but more shakily. 

"When she became 12, she was returned back home.  A month before my birthday, she claimed she didn't know she had a sister, but before I could talk to her, my mother and father sent her off.  Everything went down hill from there." She teared up, but kept her strength.  "Her name is Aphmau, she is now 18 years old, and she doesn't know she has a sister.  She has black hair and Hershey brown eyes, and she is...  The lord of Phoenix Drop..." She mumbled the last part, tears now streaming down her face. 

I took that chance to hug her.  She hugged back, crying on my shoulder.  "Its okay, you'll be okay." I cooed.  I heard someone come up the ladder, and Aaron appeared. 

He ran over to us and tapped Liv on the shoulder.  She let go of the hug and looked at him.  She cried even more, hugging him.  His hood fell off as he put his head on her's.  "Did she tell you about her sister?" Aaron asked me.  I nodded, a frown on my face. 

She was really upset, I knew she was.  She's been without her sister for 6 years, and yet, her sister didn't know about her whatsoever. 

I heard someone come from outside the wall.  Olivia let go of the hug, letting Aaron put back on his hood.  "Aaron, take Olivia over there, hide her." I said, putting my armor on.  Olivia tossed me a helm, a helm that looked exactly like the one I had before. 

I smiled before putting it on.  I kept my sword out, looking around.  I acted as if I was watching the gates, not looking for anyone.  I saw an O'Khasis guard walk towards the gate, a book bag on their back.  "Stop." I called out.  The person stopped.  "Why are you here and who are you?" I asked, keeping my voice loud enough for them to hear. 

The person took off their helm.  It was a girl! She had brown, curly hair that was put into 2 pony tails, black cat ears, and a blue colored eyes, like Olivia's, but lighter. "I am here to find someone and return something." She said aloud to me. "And I am Sakura."

"Who are here to find?" I called out.

"A girl with brown hair and blue eyes like mine, named Olivia." She called out.

"She's not here." I called out.

"I have a necklace, a heart shaped necklace that's purple with pink swirls. It does belong to her, I know it does. And I know she is here." She told me.

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