Chapter 24

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-Olivia's POV-

I finally got to the city and everyone came out of their houses, noticing I was well and awake, and out of my house after a week of not coming out.  So many people stared in awe and I ignored it.

I saw Garroth and Laurence talking to Dante, Dante facing my direction as I walked towards them. Dante noticed me first, his mouth opening as I smiled to him, waving. He walked towards me, Garroth and Laurence turning around to notice me, also.

"Olivia, not even long ago, you were in your room, not speaking. Now you're out here?" Dante asked as he got to me first.

"Dante, don't be so insensitive." Garroth told Dante, Dante looking at him with a confused expression. "Olivia, it's so nice to see you. How've you been?" Garroth asked.

"I've been better, but I need to see Aph." I said, looking around for her. "Do you know where she is?"

"Yeah, she's in her home." Laurence said as Garroth was about to answer.

"Sweet, thanks. Cya guys later." I said and walked away.  I got to Aph's house and saw she was inside, sulking a bit. 

I knocked and saw her lighten up when I opened the door.  "Hey." I said softly as I closed the door behind me.

"Olivia, are you okay? Why did you come here?" Aphmau said, panicking and coming to my side.

I laughed a little and smiled, saying, "I'm okay, don't worry."

"Oh thank god! It's been very quiet around here without you." Aph said, smiling and letting me sit down with her at the table.

"Yeah, it's just been a very long week." I said, sighing. "But I needed to get out, adventure the world and enjoy this place while I'm here."

"What do you mean 'while I'm here'?" She asked, confused.

"Never mind, it's just something I thought of right at the moment." I said with a silent, small laugh.

"Ahh, okay." Aph responded, smiling.

"Aphmau Senpai!" I heard the person at the door, then a knock.

"Yeah, maybe I should go. Lucy might be wondering where I am right about now." I said, standing up.

"Okay, I'll cya around then." Aph said as we both walked to the door.

"Hey Kawaii Chan." I said as I passed by her.

"Oh, Liv Sama!" KC said, a bright smile on her face. "It's nice to see you out and about!"

"Yeah, but I must go. I'll cya later KC!" I said, waving before leaving.

I left and went down to where I saw Garroth and the others earlier, but they weren't there anymore.  I shrugged it off and headed to the town square, where I felt dizzy.  I didn't understand why, but I needed to tell someone before something bad happens, again. 

I called out for Aaron, Garroth, Laurence, someone. 


But nobody came...

"I can't believe it!  You are getting your own home!" I heard, which woke me up with a groan. 

"Wha-?  L-Liz?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.  It was my older sister Liz, well, step sister really.  Same father, different mother. 

"Good luck!" She screamed, smiling.  I looked around my room and noticed everything was gone, but my bed.  "Now go!  The moving truck is already half way there by now!"

I was pushed out the door and onto the street, where I stood in front of my car I didn't know I had.  It was blue, my favorite color.  I looked around and saw it was the only car, so it must've been mine.  I noticed in the car was the keys, just sitting there.  I was confused as heck, but I had to keep moving, whatever this place is, even if it is a dream. 

I drove down to wherever the car took me, which led to a town I didn't know the name of.  I saw a moving truck in front of a house, must've been mine!  I parked into the driveway and hopped out, looking at the new house I lived in.  It was a nice house, and it looked like a good size for my stuff. 

I couldn't help but be confused by this whole thing.  One moment, I was with Aph and KC, then I was walking to the town square, then boom, ended up in a bed with my step sister Liz, telling me to get out of bed and go move.  Heck, I don't even know the place I moved to, or if I even paid for anything! 

I sighed as I tried to think of what happened, if the whole Phoenix Drop place was just a dream, and this is my life.  Or the other way around...

"Hello new neighbor!" I heard, which made me jump.  I turned around to see my blue haired friend from Phoenix Drop: Dante. 

"Dante?" I mumbled to myself, but I didn't know if he heard.  "I- uh, hi!" I replied to him, letting him walk forward to meet me.  "I'm, uh, Liv."

"I'm Dante, nice to meet you, beautiful." He replied, which caught me by surprise.  I stopped that moment, since Dante never really did that to me, ever. 

"Um, excuse me?" I asked, trying to contemplate what just happened.

"Oh, nothing." He replied with a nervous laugh, which made me look away in awkwardness.  I turned back towards him to see that Garroth and Laurence were walking towards us, which made my heart stop.  They don't know who I am...

"Hey there, I'm Laurence and that's Garroth.  I'm sure you just met Dante." Laurence told me, smiling.  "It's nice to meet you."

"It's, uh, nice to meet you, too.  I'm Liv." I introduced, which was quite weird.  I could hardly even say words to them, since this already happened once before!  Something is seriously wrong here! 


Hey you guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated, but I didn't really know where to take this story, so I'm heading in a weird direction, which I'm sure has happened before, but I'll go with it! 

And uh, yeah!  I'm back and I'll be updating more often, or trying to, but yeah.  Welcome to the new world of Aphmau.  Everything is confusing right now, but everything will clear up in the next few Chapters, but for now, THIS IS IT FOR NOOOWWWW!!!!  OKAY BOI!!!!


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