Chapter 3 (Edited)

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 Okay so this is chapter 3 so


Jared's P.O.V

As I ran into the woods I growled with fury. My loud wolf voice bouncing off the forest floor. I couldn't believe he was gone! He left me with a responsibility he was meant for! That he trained for! I was his second in command! Just a replacement! Someone who would just take over for him. It's not in my blood. And everyone thought it was so simple to just replace him.

And it wasn't!

"ITS NOT FAIR!!!!"I screamed out into the night, causing other wolves to howl.

Most likely intimidated by my anger. No one understands what I'm going through right now. Yeah my parents lost there oldest son. Yeah my little sisters lost there oldest brother. Sure his mate that is never going to meet him now lost her future love. The only people I really feel sad for, my sisters and his future mate.

His friends lost a friend. A pack lost there alpha. I lost my brother. My best friend. My role model. And for most of my life my dad. My dad and I's relationship pummeled fast after I broke Cherlninda's heart. I guess it was because of my attitude check. But even before that Chance was practically my dad. Taught me how to tie my shoes.

How to drive. Was there for my first crush. My first shift. Fuck, he was even there when I met Cherlninda. He INTRODUCED me to her. He was there for me where no one else was and now he's gone. Gone from the room across the hall. Gone from the house. Gone from my life. GONE GONE GONE!!!

  I clawed mercilessly at the tree I was in front of. Causeing marks to form as I dig. Dulling the claws that are made to protect me. He protected me. HE FREAKING PROMISED ME!!!! We swore. All that years ago, I remember every word. Every. Word. And now hes gone. And I didn't even get to really talk to him at all today.

Stupid vampires. This is there fault!! Rain started to fall from the sky and I let out another angry growl.

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!!! YOU PROMISED!!!" I shouted at the sky.

My grief crushing me terribly. I shifted back and fell to my knees. Sobbing loudly as the rain pounded against my back and the memories washed over me.


 "Chance, Jared, the woods now" Our father said calmly.

I was in the middle of my daily chores when my father interrupted us for another surprise training session. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door. But I was missing something. I looked around the little room curiously. I sighed in annoyance when I realized Chance hasn't even made a movement towards the door.

I walked over to the house into his room

"Chance come on!!!!!" I whined leaning my face into the doorframe.

Why do I love you? (COMPLETED!!! In editing process)Where stories live. Discover now