Chapter 13

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 I woulde just like to state that they are all on spring break which lasts about two months in the next couple chapters!!!!!!

Im going to introduce Jerome at some point in the next couple chapters.

Enjoy this chapter...

We had many problems as we arrived. The weather was very annoying. Its was thundering and lightening. Causeing the trees to sway and causieng me to shiver. I love rain. I got my first kiss in the rain. My first everything was Jared. I remember like it was yesterday...





I was 14. I was just coming home from the schoolhouse. I remember how Jared had asked me for a pencil. I was just breathtaking.

(A/N: I know this sounds so stupid how whipped she is, but this is how i acted with my first crush!!! I know dont bother me!!! ;D)

Ive had a crush on him forever. That's the first time he ever talked to me. And to top it off he knew my name!!!! I thought he thought I didnt exsist. I sighed.

"Hey wait up!!!" a angelic voice yelled.

I turned. My blond hair slightly in my face. I didnt bother to move it. My mother wasnt big on my face. In fact my mother claimed I was a accident and I was a total disgrace. A tear escaped my eye. I didnt move that either. The person was Jared.

"Hey Cherlninda right?" he asked looking diffferent.

"Yea" I said managing to sound normal.

He wasnt mean looking or the super buff hot guy sitting three rows down and two seats below me. He was sweet looking. A hint of happiness in his eyes. I liked it.

"Hey I wanted to say something..." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yea?" I said still managing to sound sane.

"I um well I wanted to well I... wow your beautiful... WAIT YOU WERENT SUPPOSE TO MIND THAT UM" he said panicing.

I laughed softly with a smile. He became easy looking after this.

"Jared are you okay?" i said looking confident as ever.

Thats how I felt. My english accent I heard was very winning. But as I got older it faded. He smiled.

"I know" he said grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

"Jared where are you taking me??" I said laughing.

"Oh Cherlninda you'll see just hold on" he said laughing pulling me along.

He was running so much faster then me. It seems as if hes almost flying. I struggled a little to keep up but I did and I did it gracefully. The sun was starting to lower itself into the water. I had a sudden burst of adreniline. Makeing my legs move faster. I was about two feet behind Jared. My school dress trailing behind me.

Why do I love you? (COMPLETED!!! In editing process)Where stories live. Discover now