werewolves with patience problems

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Chapter 9:

werewolves with patience problems

Song: Patience by Guns N' Roses

20 DAYS LATER.........

Stiles and I still hadn't gone on our first date. It's been twenty days since he asked me to be his girlfriend and we were going strong. Stiles had such a warm heart and he understood me better than Scott and every other guy in my life. I know twenty days doesn't seem like a lot but for me, it was. He hadn't found me and I was extremely happy with my friends, with Scottie, and defiantly thrilled with Stiles.

"Can we please go now, Adrea? We are going to be late!" Scott screamed from outside.

"I'm almost done!" I yelled back slipping on my nude heels, once again. It was Stiles' 18th birthday and we were throwing a surprise party. Of course I planned EVERYTHING. From the color of the streamers to the banners to the letters on the invitations. The plan was that Stiles would come home from working out at the school gym. I would pick him up and drive him to the house. Then I would lead him upstairs and shut the door (lock it) behind us. Then when I got the okay from Scottie, we would leave and go to Stiles' favorite ice cream place. I would place both mine and his orders and then would stick the note to the cup. We would take it from there. Right now, we made it to the ice cream place. I stuck the note to the cup after placing both of our orders and walked over to Stiles.

"There is a note on my cup." Stiles stated.

"I know. I saw the lady put it on." I growled, trying to act jealous.

"It's probably her number. Girls can't resist me." Stiles grinned.

"Oh but I can." I laughed.

"You don't classify as a girl though." Stiles smirked.

"You not only offended me, you offended yourself because you are the one dating me." I fake-laughed.

His ears turned red.

"What's the note say?" I asked him.

"It says: 'Happy Birthday. If you want a birthday party, you are going to have to work for it. Meet me at the Hale House in 5.'" Stiles read grinning.

"That girl wants you to-"

"Let's go." Stiles said throwing out his empty cup and mine.

"To the Hale House?" I asked smirking. I never thought it would be this easy.

"No we are going home." Stiles smirked. Nope, it would never be this easy with Stiles Stilinski.

"What? Why?" I asked nervously.

"Because I don't want another girl. I just want you and only you." Stiles smiled kissing my forehead, wrapping his free arm around my waist. I would have been really touched by his comment but I needed to get him to this party.

"Come on. I want to go." I pleaded. I put my doggie face on.

"NO Adrea not the doggie face!" Stiles smirked.

"Please Stiles.....I'll do anything." I screeched. I knew I was going to regret saying 'I'll do anything.'

"Anything?" Stiles asked.

"Yep." I popped the 'p'.

"So if I asked you to tell me about.......would you?" He grinned.

Son. Of. A. Female. Dog. And everything just paused. Was this my chance to tell someone the whole story? I trusted him with my life but did I trust him with my story? And finally I knew what I had to say to fix it all. To fix everything I had broken.

"Yes." I whispered softly. And I knew he had heard me this time.


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