werewolves and other problems

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Chapter 18:

werewolves and other problems

Song: The Other Side by Jason Derulo

"You had to tell?" Stiles asked Scott.

"Dude, chill. She wanted to know so bad that she almost starting crying." Scott said holding his hands up in surrender.

"Well DUDE don't make promises you can't keep." Stiles' anger was inching out of his ears.

"Stiles, do you want her to cry? Just don't dude me, Stiles. That promise, yeah I made it but you had to see your girlfriend's face. And when 'Lyssa cries, it goes on for what feels like a lifetime." Scott stood up for himself.

"Meanie." I added.

"Bro, as you said she is my responsibility and my girlfriend. Don't tell her shit she doesn't need to hear." Stiles said toughening up.

"She is my best friend before your girlfriend. So chill out!" Scott pushed Stiles. He staggered back but went right back at it again.

"Guys please stop." I yelled. They kept pushing each other until Stiles threw the first punch.
"Stiles!" I yelled. And they kept throwing punches.

"Guys stop!" I screamed.

But they kept on going. I took a leap of courage and stepped right in between the boys. I guess I stepped in during the wrong time because as soon as I screamed, "Stop!" I felt a jab to the jaw and somebody tripped me, knocking me down to the floor. I cried out in pain but as soon as Scott and Stiles rushed over, I got right back up.

"Are you okay babe?" Stiles asked searching my eyes as he held onto my waist.

"Of course she's fine you idiot. She got back up didn't she?" Scott pointed out, "Any headaches, dizziness, fatigue?" He asked as if he was a doctor.

"Dizziness. A lot of it." I said clutching onto Scott's arm.

"Okay so I'll tell you what. We are going to put you on the bed and I want you to sit with your back against the wall. Then it your knees up and wrap your hands around your kneecaps and place your head in between the hole in your hands." Scott said scooping me up and placing me on his bed. Stiles only stood their glaring at Scott as he did everything he should've been doing.

"Okay." I said doing the exact same thing Scott told me to do.

"I'm going to go and get some chocolate. You think you can manage to watch her, Stiles?" Scott asked slipping through the doorway.

"Duh. She's my girlfriend." Stiles said as Scott left. "Dick." Stiles whispered when Scott was out of room.

"HEARD THAT STILES!" Scott yelled from downstairs. I smiled and laughed.

"SO....." Stiles said sitting down on the edge of the bed. He fiddled with his hands.

"Why do you guys fight? You guys are best friends! And I love both of you to death which is why you can't do this to each other." I said as I pulled the sheets around me.

"We haven't really been best friends since you got here." Stiles said.

"Why not? Supposedly you guys are really close. Why be like that because I'm here? Why? Why? Why?" I clutched my hair in fists.

"Hey..." Stiles unclutched my fists of hair, "It's not your fault. We've always had problems. But this one is the major one that we just have to work through, even if there is no solution to this particular problem." Stiles ran a hand through his perfect hair.

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