weirdos with stomach pains

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Chapter 34: EPILOGUE PT 1:

weirdos with stomach pains

Song: Danny's Song by Loggins and Messina

"Do we have to go?" I asked Derek, slipping a few Advil in my bag. A couple of days ago, I started getting pains in my stomach. I don't know what they are but I know I caught some type of virus.

"Yes 'Lys. I'm sorry but we have to go. Lydia's holding another party just for us. If you don't show, we'll look rude." Derek said helping me in the car. Lydia was throwing Derek and I another party for our third year anniversary. Let me make a time-line for you.

2015àDerek asked me to be his girlfriend.

2016à1st year anniversaryàLydia threw a party.

2017à2nd year anniversaryà Derek threw us a party that was fun but not as good as Lydia (Don't tell him I said that).

PRESENTà2018àLydia was throwing us ANOTHER party.

"I'm sick." I moaned to Derek as he buckled me in the front seat.

"I know babe but we have to go. I love you and you'll get better I promise. And by the way happy birthday." Derek smiled kissing my forehead and went to the driver's side of the car.

It took about a half hour to get to Lydia's house. She and Stiles lived there now. They had gotten married in 2017, (when they were 21) and in my opinion they were way too young. Derek and I moved in together at 21 and that's when we started having intercourse. I'm so mature now that I call it intercourse. HA. HA. Sometimes I still call it sex. Derek makes me feel more alive than Stiles or Brody ever did. Speaking of Brody, he is currently on the side of the road somewhere in Jamaica. Brody had tried to touch me again in 2016 (when I was 20) but Derek was at Scott's house and had beaten his ass to the pulp. Then we shipped him to Jamaica. It was hilarious but we know he is still alive.

When we arrived at Lydia's house, Stiles met us at the door.

"Hey! Happy third Anniversary and Happy Birthday! How do you feel?" Stiles asked all jumpy.

"Shut the fuck up bastard. Let's get this shit over with." I mumbled under my breath loud enough for everybody to hear.

"Still have that bad stomach ache?" He asked, his eyebrows meeting, showing concern.

"Yeah. She's not her best." Derek said putting an arm around me and carrying my purse for me. Little acts of kindness from him just made me all giddy and happy inside.

"Well Lydia is the same right now so you guys can be buddies." Stiles smiled.

"Did she catch the bug too?" Derek asked.

"We think that she may be-"

"No way. She couldn't be. Not Lydia." I mumbled walking inside. I didn't feel so good-at all.

"Babe just tries to be nice?" Derek asked pleading with me.

"Fine." I mumbled leaning against his shoulder.

"That's my girl." He said kissing my cheek.

"Stop you'll catch the bug." I mumbled as we strolled inside together.

"I'd rather catch the bug then not take every single chance to kiss you." He said in my ear as everybody shouted "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY/BIRTHDAY!!"

So I did what Derek wanted me to do; put on a fake smile while I was dying inside.

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