werewolves with unplanned attacks

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Chapter 15:

werewolves with unplanned attacks

Song: Don't Speak by No Doubt

Was she betraying me? Was she trying to get me hurt? Killed maybe if he wanted to? Or was she saving me from him? Was she protecting me? Tears clouded my vision as I starred at this woman who used to be so loyal to me. How could she do this to me? Betray me like this? I wasn't a bad child. I was a perfect child practically. It was her idea to leave not mine. She had been helping me all along. But what about now? Was she helping me, or stabbing me in the back?

"Stiles," my voice croaked, "Drive now."

And without asking why, he drove.

I hadn't even finished my coffee.


I sat silent for the rest of the ride. Well that's how I wanted to be but Stiles butted in.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" He asked impatiently tapping his finger on the wheel, glancing at me every so often.

"I saw my mother with him." I felt like my throat was closing up. When I want to cry but hold back, my throat gets this feeling when there is like a ball stuck in it. But the tears still come no matter how hard you try to hold them back.

"Oh no Alyssa. What happened darling?" He asked me stroking my hand.

He kept driving which I wanted him to do. I didn't want him to pull over because now I knew for sure that Brody was in Beacon Hills and he was coming from me. I just wanted to pack up and leave WITHOUT my mother.

"Alyssa what happened babe?" He asked again stoking my hand again.

"Stiles." I moaned his name, tears bolting down my face like Jessie Owens runs.

"I know. Tell you what. We have to pick up the others, but when we get home, we can cuddle and talk. How's that sound?" He asked me, kissing my head quickly before the light turned green.

I didn't bother to answer. I just started talking.

"So I was sitting there. Right you saw me. Just minding my own business and sipping my hot coffee. As I was looking out the window, I saw him Stiles. I saw Bro- I saw him. And my mother was there too. I'm not sure if she was betraying me or anything. I'm just confused. She was the one who helped me in the first place. Do you think I should talk to her?" I explained.

"Talk to your mother as soon as you get back. Brody is not going to touch you. I promise." Stiles said tightening his hold around my hand. I never talked with my mother for the rest of my life. But I'll admit, I started believing Stiles.


We raced up to the parking spot we had caught before. Allison, Scott, Derek, and Malia were all sitting on the curb looking like shit. I hate to say that truth but they did. There clothes were ripped in places, cuts were visible and a couple of bruises could be seen. I didn't understand. What had happened?

"Sorry we were late," Stiles apologized. "We ran into a few situations." He explained.

"Yeah well so did we." Scott muttered. Some of them were covered in a thick covering of blood now that I have a closer look. Malia was sitting on the curb looking like a drunk. She looked tipsy and fuzzy.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked them searching their eyes for answers.

"Your buddy showed up looking for you." Scott mumbled loud enough for everybody to hear. I've never felt so hurt in my whole life.

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