weirdos, warriors, werewolves, and everything in between

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weirdos, warriors, werewolves, and everything in between

Song: Love Yourself By Justin Bieber

"I'm home!" Dad yelled as he came home from work. I turned my music up louder, drowning out the sounds of Mom and Dad welcoming each other. Presley was probably still at the school. He stayed around later than we were supposed to for extracurricular activities. I think this year he was going to star in their drama performance. He was a pretty good younger brother except for the fact that he was following me in almost everything I do. But I ignored that, well I tried to. My brother kept hanging out with me because he thought my friends were hot. And I talked to Mom about it but she didn't understand. My brother was annoying. But my sister was pretty cool, well I guess. I didn't really have a problem with her. She didn't bother me, but she did ask me for advice on different things and I like that. Mom only had three kids and I guess she didn't want anymore after Presley but she accidentally got pregnant.

I went down stairs and shut off my music. Let's face the family.

"Hi Dad." I smiled as he kissed my head.

"Hi Cass. What's up? How was school?" he asked putting down his briefcase. Dad was the co-owner of a recording studio. When I was little, we would go there and just mess around. He would let me sing my own track and I even made a song that I still listen to today.

"Same ole day. Presley won't leave me alone." I muttered running a hand through my light brunette-blonde hair.

"Cut him some slack. He's had it rough. Remember he broke up with that girl Bella." Dad warned.

"But that was a year ago! He still won't leave my friends alone. And he's not getting any action by staying close to me." I said explaining my side of the story for some sympathy.

"Listen sweetie, Presley is different than anybody else in this house and he's had a rough year so just take it easy. You know he's trying to fit in. For boys it's harder. Girls, we fit right in because we adapt faster than boys do. They slowly adapt to their surroundings. Presley is still getting used to high school. You have been there for almost three years. You are already at home there. Give Presley a chance to make a home there. He's trying his best." Mom explained.

"I know. I know. But I don't want to. I just want to focus on my schoolwork and making music." I said. The only thing I mostly remember about my childhood is that my mother made me make a promise with her that I would do something with my talent-my vocal skills and my stage presence. And I promised her that I would. My mom was the best person in my life. And I wasn't one of those people who were attached to her mother but I just loved my mom. She was a great person and she had been through a hell of a lot as a child so I cut her a lot of slack but she didn't need it. She was a fireball, and she burned in the darkest places more than in the light ones.

"Cassidy, you are the strongest woman I've ever met. And I hope that whatever boy that I'll have to give you to will treat you the same way I treated your mother." Derek said scooping Mom up in his arms.

"DEREK!" My mom screeched and he put her down.

"I would never want to give you to a boy like your father. He was the weirdest man ever but I was still the happiest girl out there to have him by my side." She smiled as he planted a kiss on her head.

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