warriors with a past

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Chapter 29:

warriors with a past

Song: Crush by Jennifer Paige

Derek had put me in the backseat and had gotten both Stiles and Scott out of there. Stiles was in a trance from God knows what and Scott took action. Derek helped me more than Stiles had ever in my whole time with him.

"I'm so sorry Alyssa." Scott said with pleading eyes.

"It's okay Scott." I made out jittering. He hopped in the driver's seat as Derek tossed a shaking Stiles into the front seat. Derek got in the back with me. I was freezing my butt off in 70-degree weather. It was the beginning of spring.

"Where to?" Scott asked Derek as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Let's go to their Headquarters. I'm going to rip some of their heads off." Derek growled, gripping the side of the car seat.

"Derek...don't." I whispered, my teeth chittering.

"You're the one who got raped and your telling me you don't want to beat the living shit out of every single one of those bastards?" Derek yelled starring into my eyes. I unbuckled and in just a blanket, I scooted over to Derek. My hand now on his chest, my naked body pressed up against his warm one, I said,

"Calm down." And he did.

"Now....it's not reasonable to go and kill all his men because he could come back after me. I saw his eyes go yellow before we left. He might be,"

"Turning," Derek finished the thought for me.

"He might be turning." He repeated.


"But then what happens, Derek?" I asked pausing for a moment. I knew what would happen next.

"He will be a part of my pack if he turned. Then I could kill him if I wanted." Derek said holding me closer. I loved the warmth from his skin.

"Derek," I called his name, grabbing his attention.

"Give him a chance." I said, glaring into his eyes.

"Why should I?" He asked snickering.

"Because it's not entirely his fault," I said.

"When he first did it, I was young but I think I had an idea of what he was doing back then. I didn't stop him. It's partially my fault too." I explained.

"You were young. It definitely wasn't your fault, therefore making my point," He grinned a bit for the first time and said, "That it is his fault and I will kill him. But not for you, for me."

"Why would you kill him for you?" I asked.

"I have a history with Brody." Derek explained.

"What do you mean you have a "history" with Brody?" I asked.

"Ugh.......Scott are we almost there?" Derek got off topic.

"Derek." I called him in a very serious and threatening tone even though he was clearly the Alpha and much stronger than me.

"Can we talk about this some other time?" He asked.

"No Derek. Now. Spit it out. Let's go." I said cuddling into him.

"Are you cold?" He asked putting both his arms around me.

"Yes. I'm freezing." I shuttered. Derek grabbed another blanket from the back and wrapped it around me.

"T-Thanks." I stuttered.

"Scott stop off at a clothing store." Derek said.

"On my way." Scott said changing lanes.

"T-Th-Thanks guys." I said snuggling closer.

"Which clothing store?" Scott asked.

"Vicky's." Derek smirked.

"What's Vicky's?" I asked.

"It's short for Victoria Secret." Scott smirked.

"Okay cool. Now tell the story Derek!" I punched his arm.

"OUCH! Alright." Derek held his arm, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Tell it!" I threatened him, pulling my fist up.

"Fine," he said huffing out air.

"When I was a boy, there was this girl. She played the violin and the cello so beautifully. I fell in love with her quickly. Like the way Scott eats food," Derek smirked.

"Hey." Scott called out.

"Sorry not sorry." Derek said as he continued.

"She was in my class. And we talked sometimes. But I kissed her and she kissed me. I told her loved her, my first love. Next couple of days, things happened. She went to come see me one day at school. I was waiting for her in the locker room where she was supposed to meet me. I heard screams coming from the hallways. I ran and Brody was standing over her. Before he could do anything, I tackled him to the floor and beat him up to the pulp. Back in school, Brody and I were fighting for popularity. And back then, popularity was everything. And I wanted it badly but so did he. But to the extent of murder is a totally different thing. I didn't know it but he had already stabbed her with the knife he had been holding. Seven times he stabbed my girl. I took her away from him and the world. I held her in my arms as she asked if she was going to die. I told her yes and took her pain. She screamed in pain, which made me cry even more. Which sounds cliché, I know. But she said Derek.....it hurts. Please...Please...Please. I knew what she wanted me to do. She wanted me to take her life. And even though today I'll have to live with the pain of knowing I took part in taking her life, Brody has to live with the part having to do with murder. I did what she asked me to do even though I shouldn't have. Maybe she would have lived. But part of me is glad I did what I did. Because I spared her a few hours or minutes she would've been in pain. I held her and stared up at the moon. My claws dug into her skin and her streak could've been heard anywhere. I lost the first love of my life. And not to some silly heartbreak. I lost her to Death himself. But I happened to lose every other girl after that to something too. But you......I want so badly to hold onto you." Derek went from looking out the window to looking at me.

"I'm not going to say "I'm sorry" because that's pity and I know you don't want pity. But I am going to say that the words I said when you were carrying me were all true." I smiled up at him slightly.

"You love me?" Derek asked starring into my eyes.

"What's not to love?" I smiled at Derek brightly.

"Everything." Derek whispered in my ear.

"I love you. And nothing from your past is going to change that. But I hope to change your future so that I can be a part of it." I kissed his cheek.

"If you want to be a part of my future, you most definitely can." Derek smiled.

"What was her name?" Scott interrupted.

"You wouldn't have known her." Derek said holding my head against his chest, kissing my head.

"Paige." Derek said anyways.

"This happened before the Hale fire right?" Scott asked putting pieces together. Stiles was silent in the front seat. Almost as if he had seen a ghost. But it had just been a wave of sleep, hopefully.

"Of course." Derek said staring at me as I watched the conversation.

"Then.....Oh my God." Scott said pulling into the Victoria Secret store parking lot. Or as the boys called it Vicky's.

"What Scott?" I asked him curiosity killing me.

"The Paige that Derek loved might have been Stiles' older sister who was found dead in the woods around the same time "your" Paige died." Scott explained blowing not only my mind, but definitely blowing Derek's mind next to me.

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