weirdos with feelings

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weirdos with feelings

Song: Worth it by Fifth Harmony

I just played along since I didn't want to start feeling sick. I really like Stiles even though I shouldn't.

"Shame. Adrea Wilson would have loved to have a chance with the Sheriff's famous son Stiles Stilinski, who is now relieved of having to work at a fast food restaurant for the rest of his life. He got bumped up a level to CEO of a McDonald's near YOU." I said, acting like a promo for a commercial.

"Say the motto of McDonald's Stilinski." I persuade him.

"I'm loving it." He said sarcastically.

"You're loving what exactly Mr. Stilinski, CEO of McDonald's?" I asked posing as a news anchor, holding an invisible microphone.

"I'm loving you, Ms. Wilson," He smiled, talking into the invisible microphone.

"Stiles....." I blushed.
"It's true. I've never felt this way about someone." He stood up.

"Oh Stiles......" I sighed.

"I have homework that isn't going to finish itself so I have to go but if you need me, Scott can reach me. Bye 'Drea." Stiles said as he kissed my forehead and left me speechless. I got too involved. Damn Alyssa, I thought. Stiles screwed you over with the L' word.


Later that day, I found out that I only had two bruised bones and one broken arm along with cuts and bruises visible on my skin. I 'only' had to wear a cast on my arm the doctor said.

"Only?" I thought. What was my mother going to think? If she knew, we wouldn't stay here. And I wanted to stay here badly. Ms. McCall came in while I was lost in thought.

"Adrea I talked with your mom for you. She knows and she is letting you stay with us while she is traveling. We don't have an extra room because Stiles is also staying with us so you can share his room I guess." She thought winking at me.

I blushed. "Thank you Ms. McCall." I said hugging her.

"It's time you start calling me Ms. Melissa, sweetie." She hugged me back.

"Is Stiles sleeping there tonight?" I asked her.

"He is. But you are free to go now. Just watch out for that arm. Scott will take you to my house and you guys can hang out with Stiles who is probably in the house." She laughed helping me up. I took the first step on the stone hard cold floor. I walked slowly with Ms. Melissa on my heels, making sure I get to Scott in one piece. As I walk into the waiting room, I saw Scott. He looked up and smirked.

"Let's go home," Scott said getting behind me to make sure I didn't fall. When we got out side, I recognized his motorcycle.

"Are you serious? What am I going to do with my arm?" I asked him.

"Just wrap your arm around my stomach." He shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Okay." I waved away my concern and got on the bike.


When we got to what I called 'home,' Stiles was sitting on the couch, watching Netflix.

"'Drea? Are you okay?" Stiles stood up when he saw me come through the front door.

I was in a lot of pain and I just wanted to cry (for a lot of reasons).

I whimpered. Scott said he had to go on a date with Kiara so he left me alone with Stiles.

"Oh 'Drea." Stiles came over to me.

"Stiles what are you-arg!" He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the couch.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Don't thank me yet," He said getting up.

"Now we will discuss what the matter is over ice cream and Netflix." Stiles smiled getting up and bringing me three different ice cream tubs. Mint chocolate chip, chocolate or plain vanilla and a spoon. I ate my ice cream while Stiles searched Netflix for a movie. When he found it, he played the Notebook.

"You like this movie?" I smirked.

"Favorite romantic movie ever." Stiles smiled.

"Exactly. I love this movie!" I laughed. When it got to the best part in the movie, (which was obviously when old Allie finally realizes that the old man reading her a story is Noah.) Stiles paused it at this part.

"WHAT? STILES YOU NEED TO PLAY THE MOVIE!!! THIS IS THE BEST PART!!!" I screamed in his face, clutching his shirt.

"I know but you have to tell me what the matter is." Stiles kept a straight face.

"If I do, will you play the movie?" I pleaded.

"Of course." He smirked.

"Fine," I took a breath, "when I look at you, I get nervous and scared and all these feelings that I've never felt for anybody else before." I frowned.

"And this is bad?" He questioned confused.

"Yes because if something happens, I don't want to leave with a broken heart and I don't want to hurt you so.......I can''s just so hard." I cried. Stiles opened his arms and I collapsed into their warmth. He wrapped himself around me, almost in a protective way.

"I will NEVER let anything hurt you. And I won'tEVER hurt you. I promise that I'll always be here no matter what. So don'tcry....don't cry....I love you Adrea Wilson. And I know that love can fool you inso many ways and love can come and stab me in the back but I don't care. Iwould love to be stabbed in the back by your knife. As long as I got to loveyou for at least a month." And I guess that's just what happened.

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