weirdos and men

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Chapter 19:

weirdos and men

Song: Cry Me a River by Justin Timberlake

It was a surreal dream. I was floating almost. But I felt hands under me. I couldn't speak or move. But I knew that I wasn't anywhere close to Beacon Hills.

"The girl needs to be brought somewhere else." A deep voice muttered. I starred up at the ceiling of this mysterious building.

"We can't bring her anywhere else!" Somebody whispered from under me.

"Just put her here." The man said. Someone placed me down. My eyes were closed, my breathing quickening.

"She's awake," someone screamed. I quickly opened my eyes and I was surrounded by men.

"WOW...." Some muttered shocked.

"Now I know why Boss wants her. She's beautiful." One stuttered. I blushed, smiling.

"Hey beauty what's your name?" Another boy asked me.

"Alyssa." I finally spoke.

"Why does Boss want you, Alyssa?" He asked me.

"I don't know who Boss is." I sighed.

"Of course you know who Boss is. He wants you." The man spoke again.

"What's Boss's name?" I asked.

"Brody ma'am." One spoke out.

He found me. He found me.

"Brody?" I asked nervous but trying not to show it.

"Yeah." One confirmed.

"I don't know him." I said.

"Yes you do." And there he was.

The famous Brody Collins. The 27 year old bastard who was smirking in the doorway.

"Hello babe." He emphasized babe.

"Brody...." I swore under my breath.

"Out." He motioned everybody else. I sat upon the small little cot. He closed the door and locked it as soon as everybody was out.

"Brody..." I muttered backing up against the wall as he came closer.

"Oh how much I've missed you," He muttered walking closer to me by the second.

I might have lied about the story.

Brody was never my ex.

When I was 12, my brother's best friend Brody came in my room one day.

"Hey babe," He called me babe like a nickname. I thought it was sweet.

"Hey Brody." I smiled sitting on my bed.

"I got a present for you." He smiled taking my computer off my bed and putting it on the counter. He replaced the computer sitting on my bed with me.

"Oo! Let me open it now." I smiled reaching out for it.

He handed the nicely wrapped present to me. Inside was a little heart necklace.

"Awe! Brody it's so cute! But what's it for?" I asked.

"It officially...," He inched closer to me, "Makes," closer, "You," closer, "Mine." He was sitting right in front of me.

"What?" I gasped at how close he was. I've never been like this before in my whole life. His lips would touch mine if he moved any bit close.

"Look behind the necklace." He whispered. I searched the box as he ran to the door. I heard the lock noise as he walked back. And I found in the back of the box a small pill and a foil wrapper with something inside.

"Brody." I whispered. His lips found mine. I didn't know what I was doing back then. All I knew was that Brody was hot. My lips kissed him back. Brody turned the radio on beside me and he stripped both me and himself down. When he entered me, I felt pain shoot up my woman part. I moaned in pain which only made it worse. Brody was moaning and groaning and then he started going faster. And all of a sudden, he paused and gasped his final breath. I felt something shoot up my bottom no-no zone. And that's when he put back on his clothes and unlocked the door and left. He left me with white stained sheets and an aching lady part. My mother had found me shocked, in pain and naked. Brody came back the next day and the same thing happened the same way. That's when we went away. Without goodbyes. We left my brother behind because he wouldn't come along with us. Next week later, we heard he was dead. Brody doesn't joke around.

"Oh Alyssa." He muttered grabbing my hips. His touch was firm and his grip tightened by the second. My head was facing as far away from him as possible.

"I have a boyfriend." I muttered pushing him away. He grasped my hands in his.

"Lass..." Brody called out. The door suddenly opened. A girl about my age stood in the doorway.

"Yes sir?" She asked.

"Turn on Video one." He ordered. She went away andthe television flickered. Six boxes showed up on the screen. Only one popped upin clear view. The others were fuzzy. In that one picture was a video of mymother.

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