weirdos in the middle of the street

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Chapter 25:

weirdos in the middle of the street

Song: Coming Home by Diddy featuring Skylar Grey

"Derek!" I screamed scrolling through my phone. Derek busted through my door a few seconds later in Mickey Mouse pants and no shirt.

"What happened?" He yelled.

"Stiles never called me. He said he would facetime me as soon as he got in the car. I don't even have a missed call. He never did Derek!" My eyes welted up with fresh tears.

"I'm sure he's fine." Derek gave a weak smile. He took a look at my phone for himself.

"But he said he would call Derek. He promised that he would-"

A loud crash came from downstairs. Nobody spoke as another crash followed the first.

"Okay do what I say." Derek whispered.

I nodded. I followed Derek to the window in my room. He climbed down and jumped down when he reached two hundred and fifty feet.

"I don't know Derek." I said nervously.

"I'll catch you." Derek smiled. I took a breath and as another crash sounded closer, I jumped out the window. Not even bothering to try to climb. My hair blew through the air, my eyes shut tight until two arms grabbed me.

"You didn't even bother to climb." He muttered kissing my forehead. My heart fluttered.

"Let's go." I said hitting Derek's hard chest.

Not putting me down, Derek ran across our neighbor's backyard. He stopped when we were at least two blocks away from the house. He put me down.

"What now?" I asked fixing my pants and shirt. I was wearing a black tight-fitting tank top and Minnie Mouse Pink Pajama shorts.

"We are going to run to the hideaway. He won't find us there." Derek said mapping it all out in his head.

"Okay. How long we have to run for?" I asked.

"Two or three miles maybe. Then we can grab the car we stationed there." He said cracking his knuckles.

I slipped my phone in my bra where it had been before. Derek started jogging and I followed.

"I hope you are a track star or something. Because this is going to be one hell of a run." He said glancing at me.

"This is where taking track gets useful. It's always useful for the getaway part." I smiled at Derek.

"Damn you actually took track? That makes you even hotter now." Derek smirked.

"You know I am dead sexy." I laughed.

"I already know. You don't have to tell me twice." Derek smiled.

My heart skipped a beat. He thought-STOP.




He's the one meant for you. Don't break another heart Alyssa. You already broke Scott's. Don't break Stiles'. Stiles is the one you want. The ONLY ONE WE WANT.


I stopped talking and thought about the three boys who were making me insane.


It felt like forever. Derek and I were lightly jogging, panting like a bunch of dogs. It was starting to get dark and I was famished.

"Are we almost there?" I asked stretching my side where an air bubble has painfully formed.

"A couple of more houses down and the car should be there." Derek panted.

I ran quicker. I ran like there was Derek in front of me and Brody was behind me. I strived to get to that car.

"Almost there." Derek wiped sweat off his forehead. I ran faster.

"Here." Derek sighed, stopping. I glanced around.

"There are no cars on this block." I said to Derek who had his hands on his knees, panting.

"It's hidden." He said smiling at me. I regained my breath as he pulled the car out of a forest behind someone's house.

"Hop in." He said pulling up in front of the house. He was in a BMW minivan. I got in the passenger seat.

"And away we go." Derek pulled onto the streets. They were pretty empty with the exception of a few cars.

"How long?" I asked yawning.

"AN hour tops." Derek checked the rearview mirror to make sure nobody was following us.

"Not bad. Got any food in here?" I asked him.

"I've got a Quaker Oats Bar?" Derek said.

"Can't have it but thanks anyways." I smiled.

"Why can't you have it?" He asked me.

"I'm allergic to gluten." I said.

"Oh. Is that like wheat, barley, oats, rye, and malt?" He asked.

"Yeah how'd you know?" I asked.

"Someone that I knew used to have it." He weakly smiled.

"Don't mean to pry but is this person dead?" I asked.

"She probably is." He kept a straight face while I saw tears form in his eyes.

"Do I know her?" I asked him.

"Yeah." Derek said clearing his throat.

"Who?" My eyes widened. I didn't know anybody how was gluten free and could be dead.

"It's best if I don't tell you. Stiles wanted me to keep it to myself but when you brought gluten-free up, it reminded me of her." Derek said clutching the wheel so hard his fingers started to turn white.

"Derek, I know Stiles is trying to protect me from every single little thing, but I'm not a child. I deserve to know and-"

"I fought for you!" Derek yelled. He took in a breath. "I thought you deserved to know so I fought for you and said that you deserved to know because you aren't a baby are."

"Don't call me a-"I was mad.

"You are Stiles' baby. And believe me, I wish I could do something about that.......but I can't." He interrupted me again.

"You want to change it?" I asked him starring out the window, my heart beating faster than it was beating when I was pressed up against Derek.

"Of course I want to change it! Have you seen yourself in the mirror? Have you ever met yourself? Because....damn it ' are the most beautifulist thing that I have ever seen in this fucked up world." Derek groaned running a hair through his hair.

I was about to forget Stiles and jump into Derek's arms. I would have.

"Woah." Derek muttered before I could say anything. I brought my eyes to the front windshield. Derek had stopped the car and had gotten out. He was walking over to a shadowed figure standing in the middle of the road. I didn't know if I should've moved or not so I didn't. Because standing in front of Derek, was Scott.

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