werewolves dealing with jealousy

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Chapter 12:

werewolves dealing with jealousy

Song: If I were a boy by Beyonce

When I was little, I thought the first time I made love I would feel pain and would be so sore, I would need a wheelchair.

When I woke up with Stiles' arms wrapped around me, I felt the best I had ever felt in such a long time. I felt refreshed and new. Like I could touch the sky and nobody could stop me from doing it.

"Good Morning Beautiful." Stiles whispered in my ear.

"Morning Beautiful, huh? I could get used to that." I smiled flipping myself over so I was facing Stiles with the sheets wrapped around both of us.

I placed my hands on his bare six pack.

"I bet you could." Stiles winked at me.

"I loved last night." I smiled kissing Stiles on the lips softly.

"Ooh My God. Last night was the best night of my life." Stiles grinned kissing me back in between words.

"Good cause there are going to be plenty of more nights like last night." I mumbled snuggling closer to Stiles and shutting my eyes.

"Come on Cutie Pie. I'll make you breakfast. Your favorite; egg omelet with cheese and bacon on the side." Stiles tempted me in my ear. He knew me too well...

"Ooooh..." I muttered, "It's so tempting."

"Come on babe. We have to get up." Stiles kissed my nose.

"Ugh! Stiles Stilinksi. I hate you." I groaned as I put on my bra and undies. I turned around when I was finished because I noticed Stiles hadn't gotten up.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Enjoying the view until you put all the clothing on. I'll enjoy myself more if you'd take it back off." He smirked laying on his side.

I blushed. "Pervert." I muttered.

I put Stiles' shirt on and walked down the stairs. Hearing the floor upstairs groan, I smiled. Stiles was getting up. I opened the fridge and grabbed the eggs, cheese and bacon. When I closed it, Scott, Allison, and two other unfamiliar people were sitting at the table. I jumped up and almost dropped the eggs but didn't.

"So this is Stilinski's date huh? How did that dumbass land cutie like yourself huh?" A male asked me eyeing my apparel. I blushed and put the eggs on the counter.

"Not to be rude but Stilinski happens to be great in bed. A lot better than you I'd bet." I smirked. The girls went 'oh!'

"That's disgusting Adrea!" Scott made a face and left the kitchen.

"Hey sugar I bet 100% I'm better in bed than Stiles. Want to find out?" The male asked.

"I'd rather not catch herpes or an STD but thanks for the offer perv." I laughed at his comment.

"Sorry Derek," Stiles walked into the room talking to this male Derek, "I can actually keep a hot girl unlike you."

The girls did there thing until Stiles wrapped his arm around me and then they made their 'awes' break out in the kitchen. I kept making my breakfast as Stiles made conversation with the girls and Derek.

"Babe this is Derek... Obviously you've met him already." Stiles pointed out.

"This," Stiles gestured to Allison, "Is Allison Argent."

"We've already met. She did my makeup for our fail of a first date." I smiled and held my hand out to Allison.

"But it is so nice to finally get introduced to you." I smiled at her.

She shook my hand and smiled back. "Same here." She had an archery glove on as she shook my hand.

"This," He gestured to a girl with brown eyes and was a light brunette almost blond, "is Malia."

"Hi." She muttered. Allison nudged her.

"Hello. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Malia and don't like talking to people. But it's nice to talk to you. Oh wait you're a person." She shook my hand, talking sarcastically.

"Nice to meet you." I laughed nervously. She seemed scary.

"Don't worry. Malia is actually really nice most times." Allison reassured me.

"Okay thanks." I smiled at Allison eying Malia at the corner of my eye.

I finished my omelet and then excused myself going to change. (Or in my terms eavesdropping)

"You scared her away." Allison muttered.

"I'm sorry but she seems weird. Something's off with that one. Something's funky." Malia said.

"Nothing's funky. I just need your help guys. I've got to keep her safe and crap. I'm doing a shit job at it right now because I don't really have the type of power you guys have. I'm a weakling." Stiles said.

"Well the first rule is never leaving her side bro." Derek said. I heard footsteps so I raced and put on a shirt and pants. Scott walked in through the door.

"Did you and Stiles real-"

"Yes Scott. We made love all night long if that's what you are asking." Stiles smiled behind him and came up to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"But why?" Scott asked.

"Well for me, it was because a) I love Alyssa and b) I was horny as hell and she settled my needs." Stiles said pulling me closer to him.

"That is-"

"Disgusting. We know Scott. But look at it this way," I smiled, "We will have babies that look cute like Stiles."

"Babe don't forget they will be smart and beautiful like you." Stiles smirked kissing me intensely. I kissed him back with the same passion.

"Stop!" Scott screamed as he shut the door and ran down the stairs. Stiles stopped kissing me and we cracked up laughing. When we stopped laughing, we both had tears streaming down our faces. I sat down on the bed fully dressed in faded jeans and a tank top with a plaid button down shirt that hung open.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked Stiles.

"I don't know. Maybe rob a bank, commit some illegal offense, and kill a few bitches. Depends on the mood." He smirked.

"The mood?" I laughed.

"Your mood." Whatever you feel or whatever happens to you happens to me. My mood all revolves around your mood." He smiled kissing my forehead.

"Awe babe. I love you." I kissed him on the lips.

"Love you too." Stiles mumbled kissing me back after a moment of shock. I loved him so much.

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