Entry 1

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Date- Jan. 10

The friends sat around in a room full of boredom. It was free time but no one was having any fun. 'Party time!' is what Taylor said. Taylor was the only one trying to get everyone to dance and have fun. Of course, everyone ignoring her. Two boys sat on the other side of the room. Lee and Damian was playing on their phones. Astra sat under the table listing to her phone. Astra had short brown hair that covered her right eye, she wore glasses that cover her dark brown eyes. Astra ignored the popup that said 'MUST WATCH!' She hated them popups notes.

"Come on Astra!! Get out of you emo corner and dance!! I know you love to dance!" Said Taylor. Taylor was a year younger then Astra. She had brown long curly hair and brown eyes. She always wore her 'Love Pink'. Astra ignored her and the world around her.

Astra sighed when she noticed Taylor trying to get the boys to do anything. They was at least talking to her. Astra decided that she'll watch the popup note. It was about a new report.
"A VIRUS OUT BREAK!! A virus broke out and is turning people into monsters! Their people eating their friends and family! Stay away from windows and doors!" The video stopped.
"Virus?" Astra said out loud. She got out from under the table and stood up.
"What ya talking about Astra?" Damian asked. Damian was Astra's guy friend. He had dark hair and dark eyes. He always wore a black hoodie. His hair was always in his face.
"The news said their was a virus out break." Astra said and looked at her friends.
"Zombie virus?" Lee asked. He had black hair but light eyes. He wore a white hoodie.
"That what it sounded like to me." Astra said.

A growl or howl came from the room next door, then a scream.
"What was that...?" Taylor asked.
"I don't know but I don't wanna find out either. Come on we need to get out of here." Astra said, taking the leadership of this group. "Come on." She said grabbing her bag, which had her meds in it. She walked to the door and is about to open it when she heard a sound come from behind it. The others stared at her and waited. "There is one behind here..." Astra said and grabbed a chair. "Taylor open the door when I say so okay?" Taylor nodded and waked over to the door. She placed her hands on the door handle. When Astra said three Taylor opened the door. A zombie started walking though. Astra started beating it with the chair till it stopped moving and laid on the floor. Astra gave it another good hit on the head to make sure it's dead.
"Nice Astra!" Damian smiled.
"Thanks. Now lets get to a car and head out of here!" Astra said walking out of the room and to the gym. The other three followed her.

Outside of the gym was the parking lot. There was a few cars. They only needed one. They went to a van. So they can stop and get some stuff to live off of and some weapons.  Astra got in the driver seat while Taylor got in beside her. The boys sat in the back.
"How are we gonna start it?" Lee asked.
"Like this." Astra said and hit the part under the stirring wheel. The part came off and Astra grabbed two wires. She started to hit them together. At first it didn't start.
"Astra you might wanna hurry up!!" Taylor screamed. Astra looked up and saw some of them coming.
"Where did they come from?!" Damian yelled. Astra hit the wires again and the car started.
"YES!" Astra yelled and started driving. She hit two zombies and started to head to the road. She started to head to her house to get some insulin, which she needs, but she headed the other way.
"Why are we going to Rome?" Taylor asked.
"To get my cousin..." Astra said.


Hope you enjoyed this story. I can't wait to start writing more of this story!

Cya All Later! Bye My Friends! =^-^=

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