Entry 11

291 17 0

Date- Jan. 14

"Happy birthday." Damian says and hands Astra a small box. Once she opens it she stares confused.
"A necklace?" Astra looks at Damian.
"Yeah it's your birth stone. I found it in the van. Read the note." Damian says. Astra grabs the small note that was inside the box.

"Dear Astra.
I hope you find this in time for your birthday. I wasn't sure what to get you but happy birthday.
                               From ------"

The name was crossed out.
"Was it from your dad?" Damian asked.
"No...I don't know who's it's from." Astra frowns.
"It's a pretty necklace though." Taylor smiles. The dark red gem in the middle of a heart was beautiful. Astra puts it on and looks at Damian.
"Wait did you not find any insulin?" Astra got worried for her own safety.
"Actually another gift." Damian took out the bottle and needles that Ethan have him. "I give you the cure that a guy named Ethan made." Damian smiles. 
"Ethan? Oh never mind his name! You found a cure!?" Taylor smiles brightly.
"Well...yeah." Damian smiles. Astra covers her mouth.
"And of course it has to be when it's a zombie apocalypse!" Astra laughs. "Thanks and thank you random person who made this!" Astra says and takes the needle and bottle from Damian.
"How will you know if it worked?" Damian asks.
"Uhhh....if I don't die after a while?" Astra nervously giggles. Damian and Taylor looked at each other. Astra took the needle and stuck it in the liquid, pulling back the plunger, filling up the tube with the medicine. She took a breath before sticking the needle into her stomach and pushing the liquid into her body.
"Ow it burns." Astra says before taking the needle out of her skin. She bleed a little but she quickly whipped it away.
"Do you feel different?" Taylor ask.
"Tried...am I dying?! No wait I'm always tried." Astra giggles.
"Did you just quote Ross?" Damian asks. Taylor laughs.
"Maybe I did...maybe I didn't." Astra smiles. "I feel fine and it doesn't work in a second. We just have to wait to see." They nod.
"It's turning daylight." Summer calls from the other room.
"We're gonna head out and look for food." Keyton says. He stood next to Summer, who had a backpack on.
"Be safe." Astra says to her cousin. Summer nodded and they left. "I'm going back to sleep. Check up on Tyler." Astra yawns and lays back down. Damian and Taylor leaves the room.

Astra slept soundly, not even moving one inch, but her dreams was racing. Dreaming about running away to save someone...but who?

Bum bum BUM!! Who is Astra dreaming about?? And what will happen to her after taking the mysterious medicine?
Cya in the next page!
Cya later! Bye my friends! =^-^=

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