Sub. Entry 10.2

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Date- Jan. 13 and Jan. 14

Damian got into the van and drove all night to get back to the hide out. What normally took took days only took a night and half a day. He checks the date on the calendar in the back in the van.
"January 14. Huh...its her birthday." Damian smiles. "What a perfect present, but it's gonna be late when I get back..."

Damian makes it back at 11 at night on the 14th. He grabs the bottle and needles and run inside, killing anything that stands in his way. He gets to the door and knocks, only to be greeted by Keyton.
"Welcome back." Keyton smiles and let's Damian in. "Where's Lee?"
"He was killed by a survivor, then eaten...where's Rickey and Dylan?" Damian asked only seeing Tyler on the ground, asleep.
"Bitten." Keyton sighs. "You find anything?"
"Yeah. There was a doctor named Ethan. He made a cure for Astra." Damian holds up the bottle.
"Really? That's odd but pretty nice." Keyton point to the next room. "The girls are in there." Damian nods and walks into the room to find Taylor and Astra asleep and Summer watching over them.
"Oh.. You back." Summer says. "Her birthday sucked." Summer leaves the room.
"Well...what a nice thing to say?" Damian question why she hadn't left them yet. He thought she could survive without them. He walks to Astra and shakes her awake. "Hey. Get up." She groans awake and rubs her eyes.
"What do you want Baka taco?" She says sleepily.
"Happy Birthday." He smiles kindly and hands her a small box. His voice woke Taylor up and she joined.
Astra stared at the box before opening it...

Cliffhanger! Or is it really? Probably not. Hope you enjoyed!!
Cya Later! =^-^= Bye my Friends.

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