Final Entry

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'At the anime night that night, Damian tried to flirt with Nikki but Astra embarrassed him many times. Damian just warned Ethan when he got to close to Astra. It was quite a nice night. At the end of the night Nikki kissed Damian and made him have a nosebleed, which made everyone laugh. Soon after Damian's nosebleed, Astra tackled Ethan. Knight and Keyton laughed together because they were forever alone. Maddy and Lacey took pictures and laughed. It was an amazing end.'

Date- Jan. 10

The friends sat around in a room full of boredom. It was the last day of school but no one was having any fun. 'Party time!' is what Taylor said. Taylor was the only one trying to get everyone to dance and have fun. Of course, everyone ignoring her. Astra sat under the table listing to her phone. Astra ignored the popup that said 'MUST  WATCH!' She knew what it was about when she seen the thumbnail, it was pewdiepie's new video and it was about him not having any ideas for videos.  Astra could hear Taylor trying to make people do stuff, Maddy, Lacey, Tyler, Dylan, Keyton, Rickey and Damian ignored her once again.
"Astra! Come on!" Taylor whines but Astra just smiles and ignores her. "Not you too."

Astra was quietly writing while everyone else finally started doing something fun, watching horror movies. They laughed when someone died and Astra giggled, she took out her ear buds and was listening along. Once she finished her story she got out form under the table and smirked.

"Hey guys. Anyone wanna read my story?" Astra waved her book around in the air. Some of her friends wanted to read it.

In big bold letters on the front read.

"The Virus"

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