Entry 13

267 17 0

Date- Jan. 15

"Thank you!" Ethan grabs Astra's hands. "Wow...soft hands.." Ethan mumbled and blushes lightly after Astra pulls her hands away.
"What do you need me to do?" Astra smiles.
"Let me show you what I'm working on first." Ethan smiles and grabs her hand then drags her to his testing lab. He leads her to the middle of the room and he turns the lights on.
The zombies start screaming which scared Astra. She fell onto the floor.
"ZOMBIES!?" Astra yelled and looks at Ethan, who was smiling sadly.
"They have names. First there's Madyson, then Lacey and...lastly Knight." Ethan frowns by the last name.
"Madyson and Lacey....?" Astra frowns and stares at the two females. "No...it's not possible?" Astra covered her mouth and go up.
"What's wrong?" Ethan asked as if nothing is wrong.
"No way." Astra stares at Ethan. "That's why they wasn't at school!?" Astra yells. Ethan finally understood what she was talking about.
"I found them, they came in when they got bit..." Ethan explained. Astra covered her mouth and tried to hold back sobs.
"What are you doing to them?" She asks.
"I'm trying to save them. Please I need help. I want to help them." Ethan says.
"I'll help you. They're my friends." Astra says. Ethan smiles.
"Thank you."

~~Back with the others~~

"SHE LEFT!?" Taylor and Damian yelled.
"Yeah it's not lik- what...where's Tyler?" Summer asks.
"He left after she did." Keyton says.
"The van ain't outside." Summer says.
"Did they leave?" Taylor asks.
"I don't know, I'm worried. Let's go see if they left anything behind." Summer says and heads to the door.

They get outside and look around, no zombies.
"Odd." Keyton says.
"Yeah.." Taylor says and walks faster. A groaning noise scares her and she jumps, turning to the side to see Tyler. "Tyler?" She mumbles and screams when she notices his cold dead eyes. He attacks her and bites into her neck. Taylor starts crying from the pain. "HELP ME!" She yells to Summer, who runs over to help but gets attacked by two more zombies. Summer screams.
"Keyton RUN!" Damian yells and starts running as fast as he could. They ran from them.

After running for what seemed like hours they make it to a little abandoned shop. They run inside and block the door.
"Their dead... Everyone we know is dead." They both say.
"I just hope Astra isn't..." Damian sighs and Keyton runs his hand through his hair.
"Crap, we left our weapons at the hospital." Keyton adds.
"We can use the knives we brought." Damian says. "For now let's stay here...maybe someone will come and help."
"And if no one does?" Keyton looks at Damian.
"Then we die here.."

Yo when everyone's dying and you don't know what to do so you find a random creepy guy and help him try to save your friends. Yeah I'm tried and ITS SUMMERTIME!! Ye boi. Hope you enjoyed!
Cya later! Bye my friends. =^-^=

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