Sub. Entry 9.2

358 19 1

Date- Jan. 13

Damian gets inside and closed the door. He sighs and jumps when he hears someone behind him.
"H-hello? Who is there?" A males voice called. Damian pulls his knife out and turns around to see a young man. "H-huh?" He looks scared.
"Hello. I'm Damian. Who are you?" Damian asks and stares at the male. He looked about 16. He had black hair and purple eyes, which was somewhat odd to Damian.
"I'm Ethan..." Ethan smiled and rubbed his neck.
"How did a young kid like you survive in a zombie apocalypse?" Damian stared at him.
"Young kid? I'm 21." Ethan and Damian stared at each other.
"Okay then. Do you have any insulin or anything?" Damian hoped. Ethan's face lit up.
"I do actually, but I'm using it for making a cure for Diabetes. I've been doing this before the zombie out break." Ethan smiles.
"The cure? When will it be finished? I need it." Damian got excited. Astra will be cured of Diabetes. Ethan smirked and looked at his watch.
"3....2...1... It's done. Perfect timing for you to appear." Ethan walks to a room, where Damian follows. "It should work after I add another thing...but I don't have it."
"What is it?" Damian wondered.
" can help! We just need to go looking. Follow me." Ethan grabs a knife and heads outside. Damian follows very confused.

~~Time skip to when they get what they need. (Also I'm lazy)~~

Damian and Ethan gets back to Ethan's lab, they was all bloody from killing zombies.
"Now to add this..." Ethan smiles insanely. Damian stood surprise that Ethan hadn't killed him yet.
"How long will this take?" Damian asks.
"It's done! Now...take this and a couple of needles. I hope this helps you and who ever you gives this too." Ethan smiles brightly and hands Damian the needles and bottle of the discolored liquid.
"Thanks...maybe we will meet again." Damian smiles.
"If you don't mind me asking...who is the person you risked your life for to get this?" Ethan asked taking Damian by surprise.
"Oh...she's my friend. We've been friends for a while and she is running low on insulin. Her name is Astra." Damian says.
"Maybe I will met her...if we survived this mess." Ethan giggled.
"Heh...yeah. Bye and thanks for everything." Damian starts to leave.
"Have a safe trip back!" Ethan calls and goes back to work. Damian leaves the hospital, killing zombies to get back to the van. As Damian sat in the van he started to think. Ethan was a doctor did he survive on almost nothing in a hospital? Wouldn't there be a lot more zombies? Damian told himself to stop and hurry back to the hide out.

The discolored cure will help Astra...but maybe it will do much more.

~~Back at the hospital with Ethan~~

"Astra. What a waste of a beautiful name. Am I right?" Ethan poked at the tube that held a teen girl. She was a zombie now but she was once a human. "Madyson...another beautiful name. Was that your name?" Ethan smiles at the zombie. It screamed bloody murder. The zombie beside her was another young girl. "Lacey? Do you have anything to say?" Ethan chuckled insanely. It screamed. They were hungry. Ethan walked out of the room and went into the lab. "Kitty? Kitty where are you?" He called. A woman comes out.
"Yes?" She was about 19. She had fair skin and beautiful purple hair and blue eyes.
"Ah...kitty." Ethan smiles and patted the chair that was next to him.  She sat down without saying anything. Ethan have her a drink which knocked her out.
"Uhm... I never understood how a human worked....till I took one apart." Ethan chuckles and started cutting into the woman. "Oh Blair you are perfect food for Madyson and Lacey! Thank you." Ethan smiles and kisses the lifeless body's forehead. He leaves the room to feed his 'pets'.

Oh how much love he gives to them, but they are never happy with their food.

WHOA!! Ethan's an evil doctor?! Who would have thought! Hehe I did. What do you think is in the cure? Will it actually cure Astra or will it kill her?
Cya Later! Bye My Friends.

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