Sub. Entry 8.2

348 22 0

Date- Jan. 12.

After a while, Damian had to come up from his hiding place in the back of the van. He sits up and groans. Did he fall asleep? No he shouldn't have, but he did. It was dark and there was nothing around. He gets to the drivers seat and starts the van. To his surprise it started.
'Lee got the gas before he die...neat.' Damian thought and starts driving.

After a while of driving, he starts to get tried again.
"No. Don't fall asleep yet. I need to get to the hospital..." Damian yawned and pulled up to a parking lot. "Okay...five minutes..." Damian got into the back and fell asleep.

~An hour later.~

Damian woke to find that it's light outside.
"New day? Great." Damian yawns and gets up. He looks around and finds himself in a hospital parking lot. Damian smiles and gets some weapons to head in.

Damian fights his way into the hospital to find anything to help Astra

Bum bum bum!!! Okay I'm in a hyper mood and I want to write! I hope you enjoyed!
Sorry it's short but in the next page it will get interesting.
Cya Later! Bye My Friends. =^-^=

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