Entry 9

367 20 0

Date- Jan. 13

Astra stood next to the window and stayed quiet, Summer got mad because of her talking back. Astra honestly didn't care. The others went out and tried to look for more stuff, weapons and other stuff. Astra's insulin was running low and she worried she wouldn't be able to handle it much longer.
"Astra you okay?" Taylor asked. Astra just nods and stares out the window.
"When do you think this all started?" Astra asks randomly. The room went silent. It was only the two of them.
"I don't know...honestly I just hope this is all just a dream. Ya know?" Taylor laughs nervously. Astra grunts and kicks a can.
"You know I'll die if Damian doesn't come back." Astra watches the can roll to Taylor. Taylor stood and balled her fist.
"Don't talk like that!" Taylor screams.
"Don't scream you idiot." Astra grew mad, she didn't know why.
"Astra..? You have never called me...are you sure your okay?" Taylor got worried.
"I'm fine." Astra huffs. Astra has never called Taylor an idiot before. What was wrong with her? Her blood sugar must be high, but she never got angry when it went high before? Was she tired? Yeah that must be it.

Few hours later, Keyton and Summer returns.
"Where's Dylan and Tyler?" Taylor asks, worried about the two guys.
"They went another way. They will return soon." Summer says. "Astra." She says to catch her cousins attention. "We found a little bit of insulin. Not much but it will do, right?" Summer handed the bottle to Astra. Maybe about 20 more units.
"It will last about a day. Thanks." Astra smiles softly. Summer returns the smile. 

Another hour went by. Still no sign of Tyler and Dylan.
"Where are they?" Keyton wondered out loud.
"Probably dead." Astra says plainly.
"Astra! Don't say that..."Taylor yells. Then a bang and someone screaming.
"Open it." Summer demands. Keyton opens the door to find Tyler. He stumbles in, his leg was broken and so was his arm. Keyton closes the door once again.
"What happened?" Taylor asks.
"Dylan got bit. I had to kill him and I don't know how but I got hit with a door!" Tyler frowns and sits on the floor.
"One less person to feed at least." Astra says.
"Depressing much?" Summer asked. Everyone sat and became depressed. Everyone was dying around them. Their friends was dying and soon, they will too.

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