Entry 3

749 33 0

Date- Jan. 10

With Damian driving and the girls in the back talking about what kind of weapons they needed, they made it to the gun shop. They parked and looked around to make sure no zombies around before they got out of the van.

"Alright...let get going..." Summer said. Everyone got out of the van and started towards the doors of the shop.
"Lets just hope no one's in there." Lee said and looked though the glass door, seeing nothing he opened the door. Everyone went in.
"We're safe here for now..." Damian said. Then there was a noise behind him and he jumped.
"Hello?" Taylor called out, which got her slapped in the arm by Astra.
"Hello who are?" A guys voice rang though the store.
"Come out here!" Summer yelled and held up the gun she had, the people didn't know it wasn't loaded. Two guys came out.
"RICKEY!? KEYTON?!" Everyone, but Summer, yelled. Keyton smiled, he wore his normal camo jackets and pants with boots. Rickey wore his normal clothes, t-shirts and pants.
"How? How did y'all get here?" Taylor asks Keyton.
"We was here looking at guns with some other people, then they left us here. We think they died." Keyton laughs.
"Yup. They took some guns though..so we might see them again." Rickey says.
"We're just happy you're alright! It's good to see friendly faces!" Lee smiles.
"Well...Grabs whatever we need. You two should come with us." Summer says to Rickey and Keyton. They just nod and grab some guns. While grabbing some guns, they hear gun shots and screams from outside.
"Hide!" Damian yells and hides behind a table case with Lee and Summer. Keyton grabs Taylor and hides in a closet. The others just hides under behind something.
"Did ya hear something in here?" A man's voice called.
"Ye. But they seemed to be gone, bro. Let's go." Another guy said to him. They left.
"Okay. Guys we might have to stay here tonight." Lee said as he pointed to the door. Zombies was trying to get in.
"Great!" Astra whispered. "Some one help me!" Astra called while trying to push a glass case in front of the door, Rickey helped.
"What now?" Lee asks. Everyone looked at each other.
"Stay here and wait till morning. I see the car out front...so the guys didn't take that." Summer said.
"Okay...let's get some sleep." Taylor said and lays on the floor.

Everyone lays on the ground to get some sleep, which was hard because of the zombies so two people stayed up. The two people was Lee and Summer.


I really hoped you enjoyed! And yes! I am bring this story back to life!! AND NOW FOR SLEEP!!!
*Flops onto bed and goes to sleep land!*

Cya All Later! Bye My Friends! =^-^=

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