Entry 6

497 28 2

Date- Jan. 11

'We stay in the base till something happens, of course nothing happens. Seems like nothing ever happens in this little town, other then this zombie outbreak or whatever this this is. We know this is a zombie outbreak but this seems like its all a dream. If anyone finds this then hopefully you watched some zombie movies or shows. Maybe the Walking Dead or Zombie Land, enjoy the little things, I guess right?' Astra writes in a small book she had in her bag.
"Writing what's happening, huh?" Taylor smiles at her best friend.
"Ain't that what I always do?" Astra smiles a bright smile and looks down at her book.
"Is everything alright?" Damian asks. Astra just nods and starts writing again.

'Is this suppose to be a good story? Writing entries about what's happening in real life? Some story. Seems like this has happened before...in like a movie or something. Did I just break the 4th wall? Yes I did. Diabetic in a zombie land, seems stupid to write about but it's better then some love story. Fun loving stupid crap no one cares about, yay they got together, oh no they broke up for something stupid, yay they made up and is now doing it. Why am I writing about this? I don't even know anymore.' Astra quietly giggles to herself and looks at Damian.
"Damian you and Lee should go out and try to find some insulin." Summer says, she was leaning on the wall next to a window. She was trying to act cool Astra thought.
"Okay. We'll take the car." Damian says and grabs some weapons he may need.
"Why do I have to go?" Lee asks with a groan. Summer glares at him. "Fine."
"Don't be gone long." Astra says with a smile. Damian and Lee smiles as they leave.

Astra and Taylor starts reading some medical books that were sitting around, while Rickey, Keyton, and Summer start to talk about what they were gonna do next.
"Can ya'll be quiet? We're trying to read." Astra says while throwing a book at Summer.
"Shut up. We're trying to figure out what to do next." Summer says while ducking so the book will hit the wall and not her face.
"Astra what is your blood sugar?" Taylor asks.
"I don't know. Most likely its high. I feel weak and tired." Astra says and lays down on the slightly broken floor.
"Bad idea to lay on the floor." Keyton says while looking though some meds.
"I don't care." Astra says and falls asleep on the floor.
"We need to hope Damian and Lee comes back with insulin. She could die from not taking any." Summer says.
"She has 50 units." Rickey says.
"That will be used if her blood sugar goes to high." Summer says with a sigh.


Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while, but here it is! hope you enjoyed.

Bye My Friends! Cya All Later! =^-^=


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