Sub. Entry 6.2

426 22 0

Date- Jan. 11

"Great. Zombies around the bloody car." Lee frowns while getting out his knife.
"Just stay close and kill any zombies that get too close." Damian says, taking the lead of this mission. They head to the car and killing all the zombies they pass. When they get to the car, their clothes were bloody and messy.
"Bleh I now need a bath." Lee frowns and sits back in the car seat. Damian rolls his eyes while starting the car.
"Be happy you haven't died yet." Damian says while drive away from the parking lot.
"Whatever. Where are we going anyways?" Lee asks as he looks out the window.
"Don't know. Hospital maybe." Damian keeps his eyes on the road.
"Another hospital? That will take almost two days." Lee sighs and leans back again. Damian doesn't say anything.

"I'm hungry! Let's stop and eat something." Lee says.
"Why? We just left the other hospital about an hour ago." Damian says and looks at Lee.
"Don't look at me like that. I want food. Do we have anything in the back?" Lee looks in the back seats. Damian groans and keeps driving. Lee keeps looking in the back.


Sorry that its short but whatever. I'll make up for it tomorrow or later maybe. Ye.

Bye My Friends! Cya All Later! =^-^=

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