Entry 18

190 15 1

Date- Jan. 16

"Today seems long." Astra says while in the lab with Ethan.
"Well it's getting night, maybe we should stay in here till tomorrow." Ethan smiles.
"Okay." Astra yawns. "Should we stab them or?" She asks.
"I'll do it. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." Ethan bows.
"I've only known you for a short time...but how do I know your a complete weirdo?" Astra laughs.
"Just a fun little thing everyone knows about me!" Ethan smiles and takes the needles and bottle. "I'll be back and if I'm not...leave and go to the town." Ethan smiles calmly.
"Okay. You'll be fine though." Astra smiles cutely. Ethan blushes lightly at the smile but he smiles back. He walks to the other room to do what he need to. Astra sits on a table and looks around, many test tubes and other things.

"Uhm this would be a great idea for a story." Astra laughs to herself. "Did I break the forth wall?" Ethan walks back after a few minutes.
"Hello. They are resting and I bandaged their bite wound." Ethan smiles.
"Oh goodie. Can't wait to talk to Maddy and Lacey again." Astra smiles.
"So you call her Maddy." Ethan rubs his chin.
"Yeah. Maddy and Lacey are really cool, we all loved being weird together at school." Astra giggles.
"Oh like how me and Knight used to annoy the teachers when we was at school." Ethan chuckles.
"Wait you 21, right?" Astra wonders.
"Yes I am. Why do you ask?" Ethan looks at Astra.
"You didn't go to college long, did you?" Astra looks at him.
"Oh I didn't go to college or school for long. I taught myself most of what I know." Ethan smiles. Astra's eyes widen.
"Really? That's actually cool!" Astra smiles.
"Really? Neat. Its getting dark...you should get some sleep." Ethan says and Astra nods. Astra soon falls asleep on the table and Ethan stays awake.

"Wonder what's going on in the town." Ethan looks out the window.
"The towns still there?" A guy come up from behind Ethan. Ethan smirks.
"You didn't scare me, Knight. I thought you was asleep." Ethan looks at the black haired, blinded guy.
"I was but I woke up from a nightmare. Can't believe I can still find my way around." Knight chuckles, he gets tackled by Ethan.
"I missed you." Ethan smiles with tears in his eyes. Knight smiles and hugs back.
"I missed ya too, you idiot." Knight chuckles. Ethan pushes Knight away and punches his shoulder.
"Come on let's go get some rest." Ethan says and Knight nods.

Just realized this book might be coming to an end soon. Hope you enjoyed!
Cya later! Bye my friends. =^-^=

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