Entry 7

29 2 0

Date- Jan. 12

'Everyone is asleep. I'm awake because I can't sleep.  Bad thing about being me I guess. Damian and Lee has been gone for a while now. I bet their going to a hospital to find what I need. That's sweet of them to go, even if Lee didn't want to go. Why am I writing this?' Astra looks at the book she was looking writing in.
"HELP!! WE KNOW SOMEONE IS THERE!!" Someone, a male voice yelled from outside of a door. Astra couldn't see out the door so she doesn't know who's there. The guys voice woke the others.
"Who's there?" Summer calls, which was a bad idea. Summer stood up.
"We're brothers by the name of Dylan and Tyler! Let us in please!" Another guy yells.
"Summer open the door. We know them!" Astra says and stands. Summer walks to the makeshift door and opens it. Letting two tall guys in, they were bloody and were being chased by some zombies. Summer closed the door before the dead got in.
"Yay more people." Summer growls lightly.
"More people from our school. Odd." Keyton says. Rickey looks at Dylan and Tyler.
"How did you two get to this hospital?" Rickey asks.
"We were here to see some family." Tyler says.
"Seems like were gonna meet everyone we know in this place." Astra says with a slight smile.

Few hours later they were running out of food. They tried to save as much as they can but it's hard with 7 people in one room, plus some of the food was old.
"Someone need to go out and find some food." Taylor says looking though the food, throwing the old out a window at zombies.
"Me and Rickey will. We'll be back before it gets to dark." Keyton says with a slight smile. They head out, leaving the 5 there with hardly any food left.
"Lets hope they bring back lots of food." Astra smiles brightly. She tried to lighten the mood.
"Tacos!" Taylor smiles brightly and laughs.
"Sure." Summer says with a blank smile.


Sorry that it's short!! But its gonna get goooood later on. Trust me!!

Bye My Friends! Cya All Later! =^-^=

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