Entry 5

539 28 1

Date- Jan. 11

Everyone went and found some stuff to board the doors and other places so zombies won't get in. The guys did most of the work while the girls looked around for food and other things they needed, like inulin for the only diabetic. Astra sat down, she was mad because this was a hospital and they had no inulin.

"Guess another diabetic came here before us..." Astra said with a frown. Taylor sat next to her, and put her hand on Astra's shoulder.
"It's alright, Astra. We will find you some more." Taylor smiles then looks at Damian with an evil look and mouths "You go find her some inulin!"
"Don't worry, Astra. I'll find some inulin after we get done boarding this window." Damian smiles. Astra smiles at him.
"Thanks." Astra says. Damian walks over to her and Taylor.
"No problem." Damian says and asks Lee to come with.

As they leave they gather some knifes so incase they run into some zombies. The girls, Rickey and Keyton stayed in their base, waiting for the others to come back with hopefully inulin.

~~2 hours later~~

Damian and Lee got back with only some pills, bandages, wraps, and other stuff you would think a hospital would have but not inulin.

"How much do you have left?" Lee asks.
"100 units. It'll run out fast though." Astra says with a sigh.
"We'll come up with a plan later. For now don't take any, okay Astra?" Summer says. Astra nods.


Hoped you enjoyed!! The real stuff is about to start in the next part!

Cya All Later! Bye My Friends! =^-^=


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