Entry 19

190 15 0

Date- Jan. 17

Damian woke by the song of a bird by the window. He yawns and watch the bird in its nest. He gets up and changes into some nice clothes.
'Astra and Ethan will be back today, or that's what she said.'Damian thought. His stomach growled for food. A knock came at the door.
"Hello? Are you awake?" A woman's voice came.
"Yes. You can come in." Damian smiles and Nikki opens the door.
"Hello. You must be Damian, right?" Nikki asks.
"Yeah I am. Your..." Damian looks at Nikki.
"Nikki. Nice to met you. The two towns have decided to work together to do all that we can to save the people, but we need help from everyone. Please help be a leader for a group?" Nikki bows.
"A leader?" Damian looks confused.
"We are planing to set out teams with leaders to different parts of the area to use the medicine to all the zombies..." Nikki smiles.
"Oh yeah! Sure." Damian smiles.
"Thank you." Nikki smiles. "Oh and we have food downstairs if your hungry."
"Thanks!" Damian and Nikki walks downstairs talking on the way.

A few hours later Astra appeared at the court house doors with Maddy and Lacey, both now humans again, smiling.
"We're back!!" Astra yells and smiles like an idiot. "And look who I have with me!"
"Maddy! Lacey! You're okay!" Damian and Keyton smiles.
"Yup. Odd right?" Maddy smiles and Lacey laughs.
"It was boring being a zombie." Lacey smiles.
"Where's Ethan?" Nikki asks.
"Him and Knight are back at the hospital, they are trying to recreate the medicine." Astra smiles.
"Great!" Nikki smiles happily.
"Good. We need to form more groups." Stefan adds.
"Oh. Yes." Nikki smiles and asks other people to be group leaders.
"Astra, Damian, me, Stefan, and Luke are leaders" Nikki smiles. "We'll pick who's in the groups when Ethan and Knight comes back."
"Can Ethan and these two be in my group?" Astra giggles.
"Sure.." Nikki smiles. Everyone ending up smiling.

Fun fact about this story, it was never supposed to go like this. I changed it because I've lost friends and got new best friends, plus it was supposed to end way differently then the way I'm gonna ending it. =^-^= just a fun fact. Hoped you enjoyed!
Cya later! Bye my friends.

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