Entry 16

224 15 0

Date- Jan. 16


"What is fear?" A young boy asks.
"Fear. Face everything and rise or face everything and run. Which are you?" His older sister smiles.
"The first one." He smiles and proudly hugs his sister.
"Good. I'm going with Ethan. Protect Pix for me." She smiles and the boy smiles.
"I will! Bye Blair." The boy smiles and Blair leaves. Waving goodbye to her brother.

~~End of Flashback.~~

"Can you go find Snowy?" Nikki asks Astra.
"The white haired kid." Ethan says. "I would go get him but he hates me."
"Okay. I'll be right back." Astra smiles at Nikki. Astra leaves the room.
"You need to talk to him." Nikki says.
"I know." Ethan sighs.

"I'm looking for Snowy." Astra asks the rainbow haired girl.
"Oh. Your looking for my brother. Come with me, he hangs out in the woodsy part of town." She smiles. "I'm Pixel by the way."
"Astra. I didn't know this place had woods." Astra smiles.
"Well it's not a big place but it's small and very pretty." Pixel smiles. They walk to a small place that had only a few trees. "Snowy!" Pixel yells. A boy jumps out of the tree.
"Yes? Oh...your that woman who saved Pix." Snowy plays with his jacket sleeves.
"Yes. Nikki told me to come find you." Astra smiles.
"Oh okay. Does she want to talk to me?" Snowy asks.
"I'm not sure. She just told me to come find you." Astra giggles.
"Oh okay." Snowy smiles. "Should we go back?"
"Sure. Have a good day Pixel." Astra says.

Snowy and Astra walks to the court house only to see Ethan and Nikki outside.
"Snowy go with Ethan." Nikki quickly says.
"What? No." Snowy growls.
"Snowy. Now." Nikki glares at the 13 year old.
"What's going on?" Astra asks.
"Another town is trying to break the wall." Ethan says and picks up Snowy, who was kicking and punching Ethan.
"Another town?" Astra asks confused.
"Ethan and Luke will tell you." Nikki frowns. A girl runs up to Nikki, she was out of breathe and panting.
"Their...looking...for someone.." She tried to make a sentence.
"Sane. Take a deep breath." Nikki ordered. The girl, who's name was Sane, looked at Astra.
"They have two guys looking for you." Sane says. "And Ethan. Their mad." Astra looks at Nikki.

~~Hours before in the other town~~

"A hospital?" Kasey looks at Damian.
"This is where Ethan was when he gave me the medicine. So maybe he is still here." Damian says. Keyton kicks the door and it comes open.
"Hey! Get out here!" Echo yells. Nothing. The walk inside and hear a noise from the next room.
"Be quiet." Damian says and walks to the door, it was Ethan's lab.
"Zombies? Wow what a waste." Echo groans. It was the lab with the three tubes.
"They have names?" Kasey read the names. "Madyson, Lacey, and Knight." Damian and Keyton stares at each other.
"Where's the town?" Damian asks.
"Close. Why?" Echo asks. The zombies growls, but then whimpers.
"We're gonna find Ethan." Keyton says.
"Then kill him for doing this." Damian says.
"Why do you care?" Echo asks.
"They were our friends." Damian says.

They gathered more people from the Masters' Escape town then headed to Nikki's town.

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