Entry 8

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Sorry for the not posting thing! I just haven't been inspired to write. Hope this is good for everyone! Even if you don't read this story. ^-^

Date- Jan. 12

"Should we go check on Rickey and Keyton?" Taylor asks.
"Nah. They can handle their selves." Summer says while reading Astra's notebook.
"Summer stop reading my book." Astra says without even looking at Summer.
"How do you even know she's reading it if you're laying on the floor?" Tyler asks.
"I know my cousin." Astra sits up and looks at Tyler. "I have eyes everywhere." She crosses her eyes. Taylor giggles while Summer rolls her eyes.
"Astra stop being a dork." Taylor says.

Few hour later Keyton came back without Rickey, Dylan let him in and he put the food on the floor since there was no table.
"Keyton....Where is Rickey?" Summer asks. She looks at him.
"He's coming. Sorry but we didn't find anything other then crap food." Keyton says with a frown.
"It's alright. As long as you got some." Astra smiles and grabs a candy bar, which Summer soon grabs out of her hand.
"No eating Astra. Your blood sugar is already too high and you don't have a lot of insulin left." Summer says. Astra groans and looks out the window.
A bang at the door startled the 6. Keyton starts to the door but is stopped by the smell of blood. Keyton grabs a knife and continues.
"Be careful." Summer tells him.
"I am." Keyton opens the door to find his best friend, now a dead man. Keyton stabs Rickey in the head to end his short zombie life. "Crap..." Keyton closes the door and stares at the lifeless body.
"He's dead. Throw the body outside. We don't want rats or anything." Summer says, cold but true. Keyton frowns and picks up Rickey's body. Opening the window and throwing the body out. "Just act like it was another zombie. No on-" Summer is cut of by Astra.
"Shut up Summer. You didn't know him like Keyton did. So just stop talking." Astra faces the ground, not looking up. Everyone says quiet.

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