Sub. Entry 7.2

403 23 2

Date- Jan. 12

Suddenly the car stops in the middle of the road.
"Crap. I didn't even notice." Damian says while looking around.
"What? Why did we stop?" Lee asks, looking at Damian.
"We ran out of gas. We need to either walk or find a way to get gas from another car." Damian says. Lee notices a car beside their car.
"Here I'll get out and get the gas out of that car." Lee says and gets out of the car. Damian watches for any zombies in case one popped up and attacked Lee.

After waiting for a couple of minutes Damian hears Lee scream. He looks out of a window to see Lee being attacked by a guy. Damian tried to hide so he wouldn't be seen. The guy didn't pay attention to the car or anything else. He only watched to get what Lee's guns. The guy left Lee laying on the ground bleeding and beaten. Damian locked the cars door and sat in the back of the van. He didn't want to watch Lee be eaten, but he could hear him screaming.
"Well I won't sleep tonight." Damian says to himself.


SHORT LIKE ME. Please don't hate meh. Lee had to die.

Bye My Friends! Cya All Later! =^-^=

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