Entry 24

187 16 1

Date- Feb. 2

The next morning everyone was still asleep by the time Nikki noticed the tanks and more people outside. She ran outside.
"Hello miss." The man from the other day smiles at her. "We need all of the medicine that you have."
"Okay. I just need to wak-" Nikki turns to see a shirtless Ethan with Damian and Astra.
"What's going on?" Ethan asks.
"They need the medicine. All of it." Nikki smiles. Ethan yawned.
"Okay. I'll get bring them back after I put my shirt on." Ethan walks back in. Astra and Damian looks at each other then at Nikki.

Ethan came back with the bag of medicine.
"Here you go. This is the rest of what we had." Ethan says and had a him the bag.
"Thank you." He hands it over to someone else.
"Your welcome." Nikki smiles.

~~Days laters~~

Nikki and everyone from the town stayed at the town and she let an older person run it.
"So now that everything back to normal...what now?" Damian asks.
"Welp a lot of our friends are dead and we don't know about our families." Astra says. Maddy and Lacey looks at each other.
"Well we still have room for everyone at the court house, they letting us stay there since we sorta save the world." Nikki smiles.
"That would be awesome!" Astra, Maddy and Lacey smiles.
"Anime night?" Maddy giggles.
"Go watch your anime guys." Damian waves his hands and he tries to walk away but Nikki hugs him.
"Nope! Your joining! So is Ethan and Knight." Nikki giggles and Damian blushes.
"What." Knight and Ethan says at the same time. The girls giggles while the guys groan.
"It'd be fun!" Astra smiles at Ethan, he blushes and rubs his neck.

Everything was good and back to normal...or some what.

"WHY IS EVERYONE IGNORING ME!? This is a story!" Keyton yells.
"Keyton stop breaking the fourth wall! We literally just rebuilt it!" Astra yells from the back.
"Oh whatever." Keyton frowns and walks to the group.

Sorry if it's short but hope you enjoyed!
Cya later! Bye my friends! =^-^=

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