Entry 12

301 18 0

Date- Jan. 15

Astra wakes up when Summer and Keyton comes back. They brought back some can food and some knives.
"Oh hey your awake." Keyton smiles at Astra.
"Hello." Astra waves and stands up. "I'm gonna go outside and look for some clothes and stuff." Astra adds.
"We just got back." Summer looks at her.
"We need clothes." Astra says. Summer sighs.
"Fine." Summer walks away.
"Bye guys" Astra smiles and runs out.

~Few minutes later~

Astra walks around and ended up outside.
"Great..." Astra mumbles and looks up, she could see the hide out. "I could run away..." Astra frowns and sighs. "Show Summer I could be helpful."
"Hey! Your not going anywhere!" Tyler comes out of the hospital.
"Tyler!? Wait you're hurt! You idiot you shouldn't be out here." Astra yells to him.
"Shut up. I'm fine. I'm gonna help you." Tyler says.
"Fiinnee." Astra groans. They start walking, with Tyler limping slightly.  "Tyler your no-" Astra screamed when a zombie attacked Tyler.
"F-" Tyler couldn't speak from the blood pooling in his throat. "Ru-n!" He managed to get out.
"I'm sorry!" Astra yells as she ran from the mess. "Dang it... I need to get somewhere safe.." She said and looked around. The van. She ran to the van and got inside. "I could drive to a store to find clothes." Astra sighs. "We lost four friends..." She shakes her head and starts the van, getting attention from zombies. She drove to a store and got everything she needed and left.

~Hours of driving later~

"And I'm lost. Great." Astra groans and stops at a hospital. "Uhm wonder if this is the place Damian went to." Astra looked around and saw no one around, not even a zombie. "I'm going in." Astra gathers some knives and gets out of the van. She headed towards the door and opens it. Quickly getting inside and coughing. "Dust."
"Hello?" The sudden noise made Astra jump. She turned around and stares at a young man.
"Sorry! I'm trying to get out of the mass zombie farm outside." Astra giggles nervously.
"Oh it's fine. My names Ethan." Ethan smile a bright smile.
"My names Astra. So your Ethan. Quite handsome." Astra flirts a little. Ethan's face lights up.
"Your Astra! Oh I finally get to meet you! Did my medicine work?" Ethan smiles again.
"Actually yes. Thank you so much." Astra looks around. "Nice place."
"Thank you, but would you like to meet someone?" Ethan wondered.
"Sure...?" Astra wasn't sure if she could trust him. Ethan grabbed her hand and pulled her to his lab.
"I'm working on the cure for the zombies... Could you help?" Ethan's eyes gave hints of sadness.

"Yes." Astra smiles, not knowing what she was getting her self into.

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