Entry 15

252 14 0

Date- Jan. 16

''The Devil went down to Georgia,
He was looking for a soul to steal
He was in a bind, 'cause he was way behind,
He was willing to make a deal-"

"Devil went down to Georgia, wonder how the radio still works.." Keyton wonders.
"Don't know." Damian said and picked up a pistol. They were in the back of the gun shop. The front door opened.
"Hello?" A guy called. Damian and Keyton grabs the closes guns and slowly walked to the front, only to see a guy with brown hair and brown eyes. They pointed the guns to them.
"Who are you?" Damian asks.
"Aaron. I'm from a small town near by...please don't kill me." He looked like he was about to cry.
"Do you know Ethan and or the hospital that's near here?" Keyton asks.
"Ethan is the doctor that works for Nikki. Their testing on humans...Nikki sent me here to get weapons for the new girl." Aaron says.
"Testing on humans?" Damian looks at Keyton.  "Your coming with us. Do you know any other places near here?"
"A town called Masters' Escape...they hate Nikki's town because...of something happen in their pasts, I think..." Aaron said.
"Take us to Nikki's town." Damian says.
"Okay...can you help with with weapons though?" Aaron asks nicely.
"Sure." Keyton says.

The get all the weapons they can carry and head out, but they stop when they see two girls walking close.
"Hey can you help us?" The one with green and blue hair calls.
"Sure. Wh-" Damian was cut off by Aaron.
"Don't help them..." Aaron looks scared. "Look around carefully.." Keyton and Damian looks around, they was surrounded by men in black doctor outfits.
"Crap..." Keyton mumbles.
"This couldn't get any worse, could it?"Damian asks.

~~Masters' Escape Town~~

"We ain't that bad." The guy said, he had black hair and red eyes.
"You liar!" Aaron yells.
"Take the other two to their rooms." The guy growls. The green/blue haired girl and the white haired girl drags them to a room.
"Stay here." The green/blue haired girl growls.
"What is going on?" Keyton asks.
"First off, I'm Echo and this is Kasey." The green/blue haired girl says. "Second, we're gonna help Nikki...their small town just needs help to grow." Echo sighs sadly. Kasey looks away from them. Keyton and Damian looks at each other. "Do you think you guys can help us?" Echo smiles.
"Fine...only because we want to find a friend." Damian says.

~~At Nikki's Town~~

"What did you do?" Nikki asks. "Please this is what we are trying to do! Save people from dying." Nikki almost started crying.
"I...I stabbed this into her...it was created by Ethan to cured me from diabetes." Astra pulled out the bottle and some needles she had in her pocket.
"Ethan...really did it? Can you come with me? Please?" Nikki asks, she had hope in her eyes.
"Sure." Astra smiles sweetly. Nikki grabbed Astra's wrist and pulled her to a jail cell that held a woman.
"This is my friend...her name is Luna and she was bitten... Can you..." Nikki swallowed.
"Yes...open the door, please." Astra says and got the medicine ready. Nikki opened the door and let Astra into the cell. Luna tried to attack but was pulled back by chains. Astra quickly stabbed Luna with the needle. It took a few minutes but Luna turned back human.
"Oh my..." Nikki smiles. "He can save Knight...and the two girls."
"Maddy and Lacey... Yeah.." Astra smiles. Ethan appeared in the door way.
"No way..." He mumbled.
"Ethan you made the cure! How did you? When?" Nikki had so many questions.
"Let's go upstairs...I need to take Luna to Troy...she's taking care of Tori." Ethan smiles and picked up Luna, who was knocked out.
"I can't believe this." Nikki smiles.
"Yeah I know...it feels like this is just a story..." Astra giggles.

Hope you enjoyed!
Cya later. Bye my friends.

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