Entry ???

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~~Unknown place~~

"Miss, there's a lot of talk about some kids at a hospital near by. What should we do?" The girl said, she was much smaller then the woman she was talking to. Her short brown messy hair covering her blind eye while her uncovered pale grey eye showed.
"Nothing for now. We don't have enough weapons or people..." The woman said. She was tall and very pretty compared to the younger girl behind her, that's why everyone followed her lead. Her purple eyes glimmered in the light and darken as she turned around to face the young girl. "They will soon come. I hope at least...but for now...Where's Ethan?" She asked while pulling her light purple hair into pigtails. "Is he late again?" She groans as the other girl nods.
"He said he is working on experiments." The younger girl frowns.
"Yo?" Another girl walks in, her hair is silver and her eyes are red. "Ethan's here."
"Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Thank you girls. Send him in." She smiles as she watch her two friends leave.
Few moments later Ethan walks in.
"Ethan Norman reporting for duty." He smirks when he sees her 'I'm done with you' face.
"Ethan. Are the tests done? We need to have them. There are people dying! Not from the zombies either!" She yelled. He sighs sadly.
"Sadly...no.. The zombies are angry and won't do anything. Not even eat. I had to kill Blair to feed them..." Ethan said blankly. This mad the woman angry.
"Blair wasn't sent to become food for zombies! You have to fix this Ethan or you will be the next to be eaten." The girl anger grew.
"Look I'm trying! Okay? Just give me more time!" Ethan yells.
"You've had more then enough time! Your the one who cre-" she was cut off by a young boy appear at the door. He had white hair and red eyes.
"Where's Blair? Me and Pix is waiting..." He said softly, Ethan looks down and frowns.
"I'm sorry..." Ethan leaves the room, leaving the boy confused and the woman angry.
"You have three days, Ethan! Three days!" The woman screams and brings the boy into her room to tell him.

~~Ethan's Lab~~

"Come on. Eat! You bloody-!" Ethan screams and breaks something. He starts crying. "Crap... I can't save him if I can't make this work..." Ethan looks at the three cells like tubes. Madyson and Lacey in the first two and a man in the last. Ethan walks over to it and places his hand on it. "I promised to protect you...I'm sorry...Knight..." Ethan chokes back his sobs. "Dang it..."
The zombie named Knight stared and yelled trying to attack but couldn't. Stuck in a jail that might be his death bed.

Bum bum BUM!!! Who's the new people??? Why is Ethan so angry that he couldn't save Knight? Who's Knight? And there's a place where it's safe?! I wonder if the teens will make it over there or will they die at the hospital?
=^-^= hoped you enjoyed this part. Trying to study for finals *cries in emo corner*
Cya later!! Bye my friends.

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