Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

There was a peace, silence on this Friday night of NYC. Everyone was getting ready for bed. Also the villains in NYC.

There was sirens in the distance, cop cars were driving around the city, surveying the areas and making sure there is nothing out of place a few miles from where they are, a huge science museum was locking up and on top of the glass roof in the darkness: four figures wearing different coloured masks were blending with their dark coloured clothes in their respectable colour.

They were waiting for the science museum lights to turn off and have the guards fall asleep during their night shift so they can go and strike. After the place was locked up and lights turned off, they checked through the window to see if the coast was clear and they went through the vent way toward an artefact needed for stealing.

They managed to find their way quietly like a mouse you can hear a pin drop; after they got through, one of them checks to make sure there was no one on petrol and it was clear so they headed toward their destination.

They also managed to find the place they were looking for and when one of them tried to get there, the leader stopped them and took a spray and sprayed the room and it showed the lasers defending the artefact and there were hidden cameras keeping an eye on it.

The one in blue took what looks like to be a sticky gun and blasted it at the cameras and it blocked out their sight and they broke.

The leader gave the one in green hand signals to get through the lasers and get the rare necklace resting in the glass.

The green masked boy agreed and dodged every laser with their ninja like moves and took out a weapon and cut the glass in a circle and gently placed it on the floor with its gloves and used a pair of pliers and carefully picked it up and put it in its knapsack.

After the success, the green one got through the lasers and four figures went back to the passageway and onto the roof and when they did that, the sirens started going on and quickly jumped roof to roof getting away from the scene without being seen.

Somewhere far away from the distance, four girls were at a huge mansion having a slumber party and living there while their families were on holiday at Jamaica for a month.

One has bright orange hair and big pink eyes; one has brown hair and orange eyes; one has raven hair and big green eyes and one has bright blonde hair and big light blue eyes.

They were all wearing pyjamas in their respectable colour talking to one another while eating snacks.

"Wow I've never been to a sleepover before" Ellie told the girls

"Well you should be glad you came to the sleepover because don't forget, we're staying with Miyako here in her mansion while our families are on vacation" Momoko told Ellie

"Don't forget Momoko I'm from another village and my brother don't go on holiday a lot because of his missions he is given" Ellie explained to Momoko reminding her she travels from village to village with his team mates to protect them from villains.

"Oh yeah right sorry I forgot you're a ninja from the hidden leaf" Momoko told her as she lightly bonked her head with her hand.

"At least I'm not wearing anything girly or I will die or throw up so much I'll have to skip my meals for the day" Kaoru told the girls.

"But Kaoru-Chan, you should wear something girly often, you'll look so cute!" Miyako exclaimed to her.

"Hold on Miyako-Chan if Kaoru-san doesn't want to wear anything girly, she doesn't have to it's her choice" Ellie told her since she respects both Kaoru being a tomboy and Kaoru mouthed thank you to her and she mouthed back your welcome and smiled.

"Well I'm bored let's watch a movie today" Momoko said changing the subject.

"Good idea Momoko-Chan lets watch The Notebook" Miyako suggested

"EW no way are we gonna watch that!" Kaoru exclaimed

"How about we watch harry potter and the prison of Azkaban, it's a really good movie and I also read the book about it and they're both really good" Ellie suggested to the girls and Momoko agreed with her since she also read the book that Ellie showed her and like it

"Does it have horror in it?" Kaoru asked Ellie

"No but it does have a werewolf in it though" she explained to her

"We'll watch it then" Kaoru told her

"Cool what about you Miyako-Chan?" Ellie asked her

"Well I guess we could watch it" she replied a bit sadly since they didn't want to watch the movie she suggested

"Don't worry Miyako we'll watch the Notebook another time" Momoko reassured her friend

"Okay then" Miyako cheered up quickly, "I'll go get the popcorn ready"

"I'll help you get some drinks" Kaoru told her

"I'll get the sweets" Momoko told them as the three of them went into the kitchen to get the snacks.

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