chapter 25

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The red couple had come downstairs and were in shocked at scene that they're seeing in the kitchen. The greens were throwing food at each other which was being flown everywhere and they were both covered in food from head to toe. What shocked them the most was hoe the kitchen looked like? Scrapes of food were everywhere: the floor, refrigerator, sink, cabinets, including the dishes shown on the dish carrier which looked like that huge tornado made of food hit the kitchen with food splattering everywhere. While they were shocked surveying, they didn't see a pie being thrown at them.


The pie hit Momoko on the face and when that happened, she seethed in anger.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!" Momoko shouted in rage as the pie dropped to the floor.

The greens stopped throwing food at each other and nearly gulped from seeing an angry Momoko.

"WELL!?!" Momoko shouted in rage as Brick calm down.

Momoko's outburst was heard throughout the house and the blues and oranges came downstairs and next to the red couple.

"Momoko why did you scream?" Ellie asked her.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO THE KITCHEN?" Miyako exclaimed in shook as her eyes filled with tears after seeing her beautiful kitchen became a mess.

"And why is your face blue?" Ellie asked her.

"If you wanna know why I screamed, what happened to the kitchen, and why my face is blue, ask them!" Momoko exclaimed as she pointed a finger at the greens that were still silent.

"What did you guys do!" Boomer asked them as he tried to calm down and comfort weeping Miyako.

"It was Butch's fault I swear!" Karou exclaimed as she pointed a finger at Butch.

"Hey! Don't blame me girly! You were the one who started it!" Butch exclaimed.

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"Enough!" Brick shouted out to them. "Now tell us what happened!"

"Alright, alright!" the greens exclaimed. "Here's what happened"


The greens were in the backyard playing soccer against each other. They were both trying to get the goal but one would block it from the other.

"There's no way you're gonna beaten me this time!" Karou Exclaimed.

"Wanna bet cupcake?" Butch smirked.

"Quit, calling me cupcake!" Karou exclaimed as she kicked the ball toward the goal but Butch used his head to black and it was sent toward the other goal.

"Looks like I win girly" Butch said.

"You were just lucky!" Karou huffed as she stomped toward the house and inside the kitchen with Butch following her. When they got to the kitchen, Karou took an out water bottle from the fridge and drank the whole bottle down after one go.

"Never know you were that thirsty" Butch said.

"After playing sports, I always get thirsty" Karou said as she wiped her mouth with her arm and threw the empty bottle in the trash can.

"It's a good thing you play sports, do you wanna know why?" Butch smirked at her.

"I'm gonna regret saying this but why?" Karou said.

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