Chapter 8

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After the girls left the house, they began walking toward the mall and decided to buy come clothes for themselves and other things that might need for their rooms.

"Why do we have to go to the mall?" Kaoru complained.

"We need some clothes not only for ourselves, but for the boys too" Miyako said.

"Why do we have to get clothes for the boys, they threatened us!" Kaoru exclaimed.

"We know that you don't like the idea but if we get them some things for them, they might lay off the punishment for us then" Momoko told her.

"Since we're going to the mall, can we buy some metal kunai's and shuriken and any other weapons?" Ellie asked them.

"Why do you ne- oh I get it, you think those boys might be perverts and you want to use those weapons to kill them right?" Kaoru said as she smirked.

"Actually, I just want to use them on the fan boys that are after Miyako-Chan" Ellie said as she sweat dropped.

"Ellie!" Miyako screamed as she slightly blushed.

"Do you want those boys to come after you?" Ellie told her.

"Well no but killing them isn't going to stop them" Miyako told her.

"I wasn't gonna kill them, I was gonna threaten them; I only kill the creepy guys or perverts, not them unless they're one of them" Ellie explained.

"Oh" Miyako said as Momoko and Kaoru sweat dropped at her.

"Well let's just change the subject and head toward the mall now and Ellie, you can only buy two weapons okay?" Momoko said.

"Fine" Ellie said.

"Relax girl, those weapons aren't the only ones that can make a guy die from, you can also use your death glare remember?" Kaoru told her.

"True but I only use that in case of emergency" Ellie told her friend.

After their conversation, the girls finally made it to the mall and headed toward different stores to get the stuff they need. They first went to the clothing shop and bought some clothes for themselves that fit their style and colour. They even brought some boy clothes for the thieves in the darkness in case they need them. Next, they went over to the antique store to get some accessories for their rooms and something for their living room. Then, they went to the weapon store to get weapons that Ellie needed and Kaoru brought one for herself since she was fascinated by them. Soon, the last store they went to was hot topic to get the latest t-shirts featuring their favourite characters from their favourite TV shows or video games. After the girls were done shopping, they went over to the food court and brought themselves some pizza and drinks and had themselves a good time.

"Shopping is definitely tiring, this is why I didn't want to come here" Kaoru said.

"But it was so much fun, I even bought you two some cute dresses!" Miyako exclaimed.

"No way in a million years I'm wearing that!" Kaoru exclaimed but quietly so other people won't hear them.

"Please!" Miyako used her puppy dog face on them.

"Miyako-Chan!" Ellie shouted.

"Fine but sooner or later, she is gonna wear them" Miyako pouted.

Momoko and Ellie sweat dropped at her. Ellie checked her watch and realized that's 12:30p.m.

"Hey girls, should we bring some pizza for the boys since it's also most lunch time?" Ellie said.

"I think we should or else we'll get punished for this" Momoko said.

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