Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Last time on thieves of the darkness, Ellie and Naruto had been knocked out by the gas and were captured by Brick and Blake.

It looks like Kaoru is the only one left to capture but she will manage to escape from Butch or not?

Let's go see how Kaoru and Butch are doing with the chase:

"I better keep running so he won't find me" Kaoru thought to herself as she kept speeding up her pace in the hallway.

"I'm coming after you girly!" Butch yelled out as he ran to same distance where Kaoru was running.

"I thought I told that pervert to stop calling me girly, I gotta remind myself to kill that guy!" Kaoru thought angrily to herself as she quickens her pace.

While Kaoru kept running for a few minutes, she looked back to see if he caught up but he didn't. Kaoru suddenly stopped running.

"Strange where did that idiot go?" she said to herself. "He probably got tired of running and gave up, he must be a wimp then" Kaoru slightly laughed to herself.

While Kaoru started walking toward the direction where she went to, she didn't realize that the green thief was hiding behind the corner waiting for her to fall under his trap.

"Guess again girly, you should know that I never give up and I'm not a weakling but I am good with traps and once you keep walking, you'll fall under my trap and get caught and we'll see who's laughing then!" Butch thought to him as he slightly chuckled.

He waited for a couple of minutes for Kaoru to step on the trap and when she did! She got caught by the net.

"Hey what the heck, why I am in this net, someone let me out now!" Kaoru yelled out as she struggled to get out of the net. After trying 5 minutes, she sighs and immediately gives up.

"Alright you better come out you pervert I know it was you who did this!" Kaoru shouted out to a Butch. Kaoru heard a slight chuckling and she looked down and saw Butch laughing at her.

"Hey quit laughing at me and get me out of this net so I can pound you!" Kaoru yelled out at him.

"heh heh I don't think so girly" Butch smirked as he brought a knock-out gas can from his pocket, shook it and threw it at Kaoru which filled the net with gas including her in it and she passes out from the gas.

After the gas was done fuming, Butch brought out his dagger and threw it at the net and Kaoru fell into Butch's arms.

"Looks like I win and you lose girly" he whispered in her ear as he walked back to the living room to meet with his brothers.

After the thieves of the darkness met each other in the living room, they brought the stronger ropes and tied up all the girls and Naruto so they won't escape and put them on the couch. (By the way Miyako fell asleep when Boomer carried her back to the living room so she's the only one not passed out)

"Well boys it looks like we finally got them and this time, they're not gonna escape from us anymore" Brick whispered to his brothers as he put on a triumphant smile on his face hidden beneath his mask while staring as Momoko.

"True that bro but what are we gonna do with them since we finally tied them up?" Blake asked his brother.

"Relax I'll tell you and you guys but over there though", Brick points to the fireplace, "They might wake up soon and we don't want them to ear our conversation."

"Brick's got a point, if they hear our plan, they're gonna escape again" Boomer said as he stared at Miyako with happiness in his eyes.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go to the fireplace and hear what we're gonna doing with the girls" Blake whispered as he and his brothers walked toward the fireplace to hear the plan.

While Brick tells them the plan of what he and the boys should do, Momoko started to wake.

"Yawn hey where am I" she whispered softly to herself and as her eyes fully opened, she looked around and noticed that she's in the living room and saw the Thieves in the darkness right by the fireplace.

"OMG the thieves of the darkness!" she thought to herself and as she tried to move, she look down and noticed that she's tied up in stronger ropes and she notices her friends on the couch and tied up as well.

"Girls wake up" she whispered quietly to her friends as she gently nudged them. The girls started to wake up and they realized they were in stronger ropes and saw thieves in the darkness talking to one another by the fireplace.

"Darn it, they tied us up in stronger ropes!" Kaoru quietly shouted to herself as she struggled to loosen the ropes.

"And I can't get us out of these ropes because they are blocking my powers" Ellie whispered quietly to her friends.

"Hey Ellie how did you know those guys were the thieves in the darkness?" Miyako quietly asked her friend.

"Well Miyako-Chan I read one of the school newspapers about the thieves in the darkness being famous criminals for stealing valuable items and I heard from the students that no one has ever seen their faces before, not even the police don't know their faces either" she quietly explained to her friends.

"They could've included that they're perverts as well" Kaoru quietly grumbled to herself as she death glared at Butch but he didn't notice yet.

"This is no time for glares Kaoru; we have to find a way to get out of these ropes" Naruto quietly told Kaoru as him and the girls struggled to get out the ropes.

The girls and Naruto tried to get out of these ropes but with no avail since they were way stronger than the regular ropes they were tied up in before expect Naruto. Then, the thieves of the darkness finished their discussion and walked back to the couch where the girls were.

"Looks like you girlies and boy finally woke up" Butch said as he grinned flirtatiously at Kaoru.

"How many times do I have to say this, quit calling me girly, do you have a death wish or something?" Kaoru yelled at Butch as she growled at him.

"Alright I won't call you that then sugar lips" Butch told her in a flirtatious tone again.

"And quit calling me that!" Kaoru shouted at him as her aura became dark.

"Kaoru please calm down, you're starting to scare Miyako-Chan" Ellie told her as she points out toward Miyako who is shivering from Kaoru's scary aura.

"Miyako huh I really like that name" Boomer said to Miyako as she calmed down and blushed from what he said and muttered thank you to him.

"Just what are you guys gonna do with us!" Momoko shouted at the thieves in the darkness.

"Well cutie, since you want to know, I guess I'll tell you" Brick said as he grinned and winked at Momoko and she blushes from his actions.

"This isn't gonna be good" Momoko thought to herself.

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