Chapter 24

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The next day, everyone was in the dining room table eating breakfast expect for Naruto since he left a note for them saying that he went somewhere and will be back soon. The others were looking at the reds and noticed that they smelled like strawberries and roses which made them a suspicious.

"Why do you guys smell like strawberries and roses?" Karou asked them.

The reds were slightly blushing after remembering last night's events so BRICK REPLIED, "The strawberry scent came from the candles and the rose scent came from the roses"

"Candles?" the boys said.

"Roses?" the girls said.

He explained to them what the surprise and how he and Momoko dressed up to make the night special because he was planning to ask her to become his girlfriend and how she said yes to him and shared a kiss but left out the parts of them making out since he didn't want the tomboy to get mad.

"He confessed to you Momoko- San!? That is so cute!" Miyako squealed in delight for her friend.

"Way to go Brick!" Boomer complimented at his brother.

"Congratulations dude!" Butch and Blake said to him.

"Oh no not you to Momoko and that's gross!" Karou slightly gagged.

"Congratulations Momoko-Chan and Karou-San, be nice, you know that her boyfriend worked hard to impress her!" Ellie scolded at Karou.

"Yeah, yeah I know but it's still gross!" Karou exclaimed.

"You wouldn't think it's gross if Butch asked you to be his girlfriend" Ellie shot back at her.

"Y...You're wrong, t...that'll be g...gross!" Karou nearly stuttered as she slightly blushed.

"Aww! Don't that Karou-Chan!~" Butch cooed at her as he hugged Karou.

"Hey! Let me go!" Karou struggled to get out of his grip while blushing.

"Now don't deny it cupcake, you like it when I hug you" Butch smirked as he hugged her tighter.

"N...No I don't!" Karou slightly stuttered as she tried to struggle again.

"Quit hugging my friend!" a voice said.

Everyone turned around and saw Naruto but was shocked at his hair. He was still spiky as usual but shorter.

"Naruto, I love your new hairstyle!" Ellie said her friend in awe.

"Thanks sis, I got a haircut today and I went there early because they said that they'll cut your hair half price" Naruto said as he showed everyone his hair.

"Well I think your haircut makes you look more handsome" Ellie said as she got up and hugged her brother.

"Um thanks" Naruto said as he slightly blushed. "Anyway, can you please let go of Karou now, Butch?"

"But she's so cuddly!" Butch complained as he nuzzled her.

"Just let me go dammit!" Karou exclaimed.

"Fine but I'm gonna hug you again real soon" Butch pouted as he let her go.

"Now that they're done with that, I'm gonna go back to reading one of the horror books you brought for us yesterday" Blake said as he got up and left the dining room to go upstairs to finish reading his book.

"Momoko-Chan and I will be upstairs looking through the computer and see if we can find any good apartments for us you find and afford" Brick said as he and Momoko got up and went upstairs while holding their hands.

"I'll just look at some pictures on my laptop" Ellie said as she went upstairs toward the orange room.

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