Chapter 16

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Morning came already and the reds, blues, and greens woke up from their rooms with their counterparts next to each other expect for the oranges and Naruto. Blake woke up to realize that his counterpart wasn't with him so they got dressed and headed downstairs to find Ellie and saw her sleeping on the couch with a blanket covering her.

"She must've spent the night on the couch" Naruto whispered to Blake.

"Yeah she sure did but why does Ellie look like she's been crying?" Blake whispered to him.

"Well last night, I went up to the attic and saw her crying so I went over to her and hugged her since we are siblings and Ellie was weeping on my shoulder" Naruto whispered.

"She must've been scared and upset for what I did to her" Blake whispered in sadness.

"Hey I understand but you had to punish her for breaking one of your rules" Naruto whispered to reassure him. "How about we cheer your girl up by cooking some pancakes?"

"That sounds like a good idea and shut up, she's not my girl... yet" Blake whispered to him as he and Naruto went inside the kitchen and started to make the pancakes.

Momoko, Miyako and Kaoru came downstairs to see Ellie sleeping on the couch. They went over to her and shook them gently to wake them up. After 3 minutes, Ellie yawned and woke up to stretch their arms from sleeping.

"Morning Ellie" they said softly.

"Morning, why did you sleep on the couch?" Kaoru ask her.

"It's sort of a long story" Ellie said.

"We'll listen" Momoko told her.

Ellie soon explained to them what happened last night and the girls were all shocked about it but Kaoru was super angry.

"That idiot is gonna pay for what he did to her!" Kaoru exclaimed as she thought of ways to torture Blake.

"Oh Ellie-San I Can't believe he made you cry!" Miyako shouted with sadness as she hugged her.

"It's alright Miyako-Chan, I'm okay now" Ellie said as she patted Miyako's back.

"Are you sure you're alright? You can sleep in one of our rooms until you feel a whole lot better" Momoko suggested as she put her hand on Ellie's shoulder.

"Don't worry I'm alright really but thanks for the offer though" Ellie said as she gave a weak smile to them.

"That what BBF's are for Ellie-San" Miyako told her as she finished hugging her.

All the girls gave each other a group hug. While they were still hugging; Brick, Boomer, and Butch came downstairs and saw the girls hugging each other.

"Hey I didn't know its hugging day" Boomer said as the girls broke their hug.

"It's not Boomer-Kun; we were just hugging each other like sisters that's all" Miyako smiled at him.

"Then don't we get a hug since we never get to hug each other" Brick asked.

"You boys won't get your hugs until you earn them" Momoko told them.

"But that's not fair" Butch complained.

"You gotta deal with it" Kaoru told him.

"You boys can just hug each other since you're all brothers" Ellie suggested.

"We'll think about that" Brick said.

"If you boys are done talking about hugging, then get in the dining table because Blake and I are making chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast" Naruto yelled out to the group as he went back inside the kitchen.

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