Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ellie looked at Blake, "Let me and my friends go!"

Blake nodded, "Nope babe, sorry."

"Hey!" Kaoru yelled, "you baka's better let us go otherwise I will murder you!"

"Sorry girly," said Butch winking at Karou

"You guys aren't good with rope tying are you?" Ellie asked them.

"Of course we're good at it babe" Blake told her.

"Yeah sure" Ellie said sarcastically. "Hold on since you guys tired each other up, which means then- Ellie closed her eyes and an orange aura surrounded her suddenly the ropes were undone on her including the girls and guys.

"I can't believe I forgot about that" Ellie said to herself.

"This is no time to think Ellie, let's run!" Momoko shouted at her and the girls split up and ran off into different directions of the house.

"Guys we can't let them get away, let's go after them and get them quick!" Brick told his brothers and they split up and ran off to their respected counterpart.

Let's start with Brick and Momoko:

"I have to keep running and get away from that red thief" Momoko thought to herself as she kept running in the hallways trying to find a good place to hide.

"You can't run from me gorgeous, you can run but you can't hide" Brick told her as he ran after her and speeding up his pace to capture her.

"We'll see about that!" Momoko told him as she turned right into the hallway but found a dead end.

"Miyako should have mentioned about the dead ends" Momoko thought to herself.

"Looks like your cornered gorgeous, I got you now" Brick said as he started walking towards her and Momoko backs up until she hit the wall and Brick puts his arms on both sides of the wall so she wouldn't escape.

"Now that you're cornered gorgeous, you'll be coming with me now and there's no way you're gonna escape again from your orange friend because my brother can stop her from doing that" he whispered seductively into her ear as Momoko shivered and blushed by how close his is to her face. "But before I tie you up again, I'm just gonna do one thing I wanted to do to you when I first saw you".

"W-what do you mean- Momoko couldn't finish her sentence as she felt Brick pressed his lips on hers. She gasped, letting his tongue allow access into her mouth and tasting every corner of it while she moans. She wrapped her arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around her waist. The kiss lasted for five minutes until Brick parted allowing Momoko to gain oxygen and she finished breathing, Brick hit a pressure point on her neck and she passed out in his arms.

"You Know gorgeous, you taste like strawberries and they're my favourite to eat" Brick whispered in her ear as he picked her up bridal style and carried her to the living room where he and his brothers will meet.

Now let's go to Boomer and Miyako:

"What am I gonna do, I'm not much of a fighter like Kaoru nor am I courageous like Momoko and Ellie but I have to get away from that blue boy" Miyako thought to herself as she tried to speeding her pace while running from Boomer.

"Come on now sweetheart, what don't you stop and be a good girl and come with me where we'll see your friends" Boomer told her in a sweet voice making her face go red.

"N-never you aaaah!" Miyako screamed as she tripped and fell on the floor making her scape her knee. "Owww" Miyako said as tears started forming in her eyes as she held her injured knee.

"Hey are you alright?" Boomer said in a worried tone as he crouched down to see her bruise on Miyako's knee.

"It really hurts" Miyako said as a tear fell from her face.

"Hey don't cry" Boomer said in a comforting tone as he wiped away her tears, "I'll take care of that bruise for you". Boomer took a cloth from his pocket and wrapped it around Miyako's knee to make the bruise stop bleeding.

"W-why are you being so nice to me?" Miyako said to Boomer, "Aren't you a criminal?"

Boomer looked at her and said "Yeah kind of but I'm not a heartless criminal, I can't just watch someone get injured like that, it breaks my heart seeing that especially you getting injured as well."

"R-really do you mean that?" Miyako told him as she slightly blushed.

"That's right" Boomer said to her as he smiled, "Now come on let's take you to your friends". He picked her up bridal style and carried her to the living room where his brothers will be waiting including Miyako's friends.

"Maybe he isn't that bad after all" Miyako thought to herself as she laid her head on Boomer's chest.

(I don't own anything apart for the Story)

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