Chapter 12

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Soon morning came and the boys were the first to wake up. They notice that they had their arms around the girls and they were close to them which made the boys slightly blush since their counterpart's head were resting on their chest which made their heartbeats quicken. The boys kissed the girls on the cheek and went back to sleep with their arms still around the girls. After an hour has passed, the girls began waking up and they blushed when they noticed that they were close to the thieves in the darkness and that they cloud see their abs and their muscles. They gently removed their arms and quietly got out of bed, grabbed their clothes and towel, and headed inside the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After the girls finished their showering, they dried themselves off and wore the clothes that made them feel comfortable. Momoko wore a pink sweater that says "PINK" in bold dark pink letters, jean shorts, and pink high tops. Miyako wore a full sleeved light blue dress that has pictures of sunflowers on it that touched her knees, light blue ballet flats, and flower clip on her bang. Kaoru wore a light green t-shirt that has a picture of a football with a hoodie on the back, dark skinny jeans, and light green sneakers. Ellie wore neon orange t-shirt that has different symbols of clans in the leaf village, brown caprices that have flowers on the sleeves and neon orange sneakers. When the girls were done changing, they got out of the bathroom and saw the thieves in the darkness already changed and with their masks removed and they were fixing the bed.

"What are you guys doing?" the girls asked the boys.

"We're just fixing the bed that's all" they told them as they finished with the bed and fixed the pillows.

"Well okay, we'll be downstairs cooking breakfast" the girls said as they began walking toward the door.

Before the girls could reach the door, the boys grabbed them, spun them around, and gave them a huge kiss which lasted two minutes. After the boys pulled away, the girls were blushing all over and they asked them why you kissed us and the boys replied, "Because you girls were cuddling with us last night and we wanted to give you a reward for letting us sleep with you". After that, the girls blushed more and they went toward the door, opened it, and closed it behind them while heading toward the kitchen to make breakfast.

The girls greeted each other along the way and they decided to prepare some scrambled eggs with buttered toast and sausages.

"So girls, how did you sleep?" Kaoru asked her friends

"W-We slept good right girls?" Momoko asked her friends

"Y-Yeah that's right" the girls replied expect Momoko and Kaoru.

"Let me guess, you cuddled next to the boys and they gave you a huge kiss before you came downstairs?" Kaoru asked her friends.

"Did the same thing happen to you?" they asked her.

"Yeah it happened to me" Kaoru told them.

"I wonder how long the boys will be staying here." Ellie said.

"Well they said that they'll stay here until the police stop finding them and since they only live in a 3 bedroom apartment, they'll probably come back here to see us since they know where we are now" Momoko said as she got out the orange juice from the fridge and poured some in 5 glasses. (One for Naruto when he wakes up).

"But they only know that this is Miyako's house; the rest don't know where we live so we don't have to worry about them except for Miyako and the blue thief Boomer" Kaoru said.

"I-I don't mind having boomer come see me at my house" Miyako slightly stuttered.

"Yeah and then you two are gonna make-out since it's obvious that the both of you have the hots for each other" Momoko told her as she finishes sizzling sausages.

"T-That's not true!" Miyako shouted as she slightly blushed.

"Girls quit making fun of Miyako-Chan and let's finish making food" Ellie told her friends as she put butter on the toasts and buttered them.

"Whatever" Kaoru and Momoko told her while Miyako finishes cooking the eggs.

Soon breakfast was done and the girls took out plates, put their foods on it, and set them on the table. They began eating while chatting with one another but quietly so the thieves in the darkness won't hear them.

"So what should we do since the boys are still in the room?" Momoko asked her friends.

"Let's go to the mall" Miyako suggested.

"No way" Kaoru told her.

"Why not go to the park, we can have a picnic there and we can bring the boys along with us since no one knows what their faces look like?" Ellie suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea that is in?" Momoko asked.

"I'm in" Miyako said.

"I don't know I don't want that perverted Butch anywhere near me" Kaoru said.

"Come on Kaoru please?" Miyako gave her puppy dog look to them.

"Fine just stop with the puppy dog look" Kaoru admitted defeat.

"Yay I'll go pack the food, you girls can go get the boys" Miyako said as she finished her food and put them in the sink.

"Hold on Miyako-Chan it's still morning, let's wait until afternoon comes and then we can pack the food and have the boys come with us okay?" Ellie told her as she put the dishes in the sink.

"Oh okay" Miyako replied happily.

"Well since that's settled, let's watch some TV" Momoko suggested as she put her dishes in the sink.

"Sounds like a plan" Kaoru said as she put her dishes in the sink.

The girls cleaned their dishes and went over to the couch and sat down to watch some TV, unknown to them the boys listened to their conversation and grinned as they thought of a good plan to make the girls blush more than a tomato.

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