Chapter 4

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Let's go to Butch and Kaoru:

"Man, Miyako could've mentioned that her hallways can stretch that long" Kaoru thought to herself as she is outrunning the green thief who is running after her.

"Come on girly, you can't outrun me; I'm way stronger and faster than you will ever be" Butch told her as he quickens his pace to get her.

"I thought you to stop calling me girly!" Kaoru yelled out at him as she quickens her speed and sped towards the kitchen. "Now I just gotta hide here until he leaves me alone but first gotta give him payback for calling me girly" she thought to herself as she opened the refrigerator door and hid behind it.

Butch came into the kitchen a few minutes later and shouted, "Come on out girly, you know you can't hide because I will find you and tie you up again!" Butch walked around the kitchen trying to find her until he felt something hit his head.

"What the- Butch put his hand and he brought it out to show a cracked egg hit him and Butch got so mad he yelled, "Alright if you wanna play girly, then you're on". He felt another egg hit him and he heard Kaoru laughing quietly from behind the refrigerator.

"So you wanna play games huh, well then, its war!" Butch yelled out as he grabbed an orange from the counter and threw it at Kaoru which hit her in the face.

"It's on alright!" Kaoru yelled out as she brought a ham and threw it at him. Butch quickly dodged the ham and took out a bag of sugar and threw it at her but she blocked it with a watermelon. "Oh now you're gonna block things, you really weak girl" Butch said as he chuckled.

"That does it, you're so dead!" Kaoru yelled out as she threw the giant watermelon at him and it broke and he was covered in juices. "HAHAHAHAHA!" Kaoru laughed.

While Kaoru was busy laughing, she didn't notice that a bag of flour was thrown at her including a cake which covered her whole body. "Ha-ha who's laughing now" Butch said as he grinned.

Kaoru then grinned evilly and threw a lot of food at Butch and he did the same with Kaoru and they had an awesome food fight starting. After they were done throwing food at each other, they looked at each other and laughed.

"You know, you're not that bad even though you're a pervert, you have a good arm and neat dodging skills" Kaoru laughed as she closed the refrigerator door.

"Same for you, I guess some girls can be tough like guys" Butch said to her as he slightly chuckled.

"Well now that the food fight is over, do we go back to you chasing me again?" Kaoru asked but she quickly covered her mouth as she accidentally said those words.

"It looks like we have to now, but I'll give you head start though" Butch told her as Kaoru started running out of the kitchen after waiting for 5 minutes, he ran after her to try and capture her.

After Kaoru started to run again and Miyako and Momoko were caught they all hear a scream that sounded just like Ellie.

2 Minutes before everyone heard Ellie scream:

"There's got to be a place for me to hide but where?" Ellie thought to herself as she is running away from the orange thief chasing her.

"Slow down now babe and surrender yourself, do you want me to drag you there myself?" Blake told her as he ran toward her trying to get her.

"I'd rather die than surrender, there is no way you're gonna get me!" Ellie shouted at him as she turned left at the hallway.

"Not a chance my shining little light" Blake said in a low seductive tone as he turned the corner where she went to.

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