Chapter 11

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Everyone was at the dining room, eating dinner that Miyako and Kaoru had made for everyone. They prepared a lasagne for everyone including garlic bread and salad for them. On the centre of the table is a huge chocolate pit that Kaoru made herself which would be saved for dessert after everyone is done eating.

"So who were those boys that were outside your door?" Blake asked the girls to start the conversation.

"Those boys are friends of ours, their names are Henry, Ralph and Lennie our best guy friends/brothers" Ellie replied.

"Best guy friends/brothers?" Butch asked.

"To us yeah they treat us like we're their sisters but they mostly do that to Ellie since she knew them a couple years more than us" Kaoru told him.

"Oh cool" Butch said.

"So are your names real or are they just cover names?" Miyako asked the boys.

"Actually sweetie they're out real names but we also have cover names as well, my cover name is Mike, Brick's is Michael, and Butch's is Kristen" Boomer replied to her.

"Blake doesn't have a cover name?" Momoko asked.

"He doesn't babe, he keeps his name like that since a lot of people don't know him" Brick told her.

"Oh" Momoko said.

"By the way, where do you guys live?" Kaoru asked.

The boys stopped eating and looked at her.

"What did I say?" Kaoru said.

Sigh "To tell you the truth girly, we live at an empty warehouse" Butch replied to her.

"You guys live alone?" Miyako asked with a bit of sadness.

"Yes we do, you see, we've been living there for nearly about a year after our parents passed away and so far it's been sad" Boomer said with sadness.

"What do you mean sad?" Ellie asked.

"We only get a little bit of money from working in odd jobs and we sometimes barely get enough food" Boomer said.

"And because of that, we sometimes go through trash can to find leftover food or go to the woods to hunt for animals so we could eat" Brick said with a bit of sadness.

"But everything changed when we met Blake" Butch said with a bit of happiness.

"Yeah he once saw us trying to find some food and he offered to let us live with him in an apartment he owned" Boomer said with happiness.

"But the apartment only had three bedrooms so we had to share with on another" Butch said.

"But even so, he managed to help us and if it hasn't been for him, we wouldn't have survived then" Brick said with happiness.

"Guys it was nothing and plus, the reason we became the thieves of the darkness is because pf the bills the landlord gives us and we steal the stuff and sell it on the black market for money so we won't be homeless" Blake explained.

"You poor things" Miyako replied with sadness.

"That was both sad and sweet" Ellie said.

"Wow I feel very sorry for you guys" Naruto told them.

"I wish we could do something to help you guys" Momoko asked.

"I never knew you've been through this" Kaoru said.

"Hey don't be sad girls and boy, even though we had a hard life we managed to get through this" Brick said.

"Yeah so let's wipe away the tears and finish eating" Boomer said.

"And after that watch a scary movie" Butch said.

"B-But I don't l-like scary m-movies" Miyako stuttered in fear.

"Come Miyako it's only a scary movie that's all" Kaoru told her.

"And plus the horror stuff isn't real" Naruto said.

"O-Okay" Miyako said with a bit of fear.

"Let's just change the subject and finish our eating" Ellie said as she sweat dropped.

"Fine" they replied.

Soon everyone finished their meal and dessert and brought out the movie "Mama" and put it in the DVD player for it to start. Everyone got on the couch and sat next to their counterparts and movie began. During the movie both Momoko and Miyako were both scared from the movie that they oblivious that they were on Brick and Boomer's laps burying their faces on the boys' chests which made the boys blush and enjoy it while wrapping their arms around them. Kaoru were laughing at the screams including Butch which show they enjoyed the horror movie. Ellie was clutching a pillow and blocking her eyes and ears at the horror parts while Blake put his arm around her to comfort her.

The movie was done and when it was for them to sleep, Brick and Boomer carried their counterparts' bridal style since they were still scared from the movie and Kaoru, Naruto and Ellie walked their rooms with their respected rooms. They greeted each other good night and went inside their rooms. Brick and Boomer set counterparts onto the bed and all boys went bathroom to take a shower which left girls on the bed. They went to their closets and changed into their pyjamas. Momoko was wearing a white tank top with pink mini shorts while her hair was down, Miyako wore baby blue pyjama dress that goes past her thighs with her hair in curlers, Kaoru wore light green t-shirt with green shorts that have yellow stripes with her hair the same and Ellie wore a Neon orange t-shirt with black pants that have white stripes while her hair is down.

While the girls were getting ready to sleep, the bathroom door opened which revealed the boys with towels around their necks and their baggy pants but with no shirts on. Momoko and Miyako blushed at it; Kaoru looked away with a slight blush on their face and Ellie just sweat dropped at it.

The boys grinned at their reactions and gave them a huge kiss which made the girls blush more while wrapping their arms around their waist. The kiss lasted for five minutes until they parted, letting them breath. After they were done nuzzling with the girls, the girls went to bed with the guys next to them and while they were sleeping, a huge thunder made a crackling sound which scared the girls and clung onto their counterparts. The girls scooted closer to the boys and when they did, the boys wrapped their arms around them to make them feel safe. The girls relaxed by their touch and they closed their eyes while being in their counterpart's arms and slept blissfully while the boys had huge smiles on their faces that their girls were close to them.

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