Daring Dessert

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When my girlfriend and I first started dating, I had no idea that we would be so daring in where we had sex. We pushed the envelope with where we had sex every month by doing it in a different place at least once to keep things spicy. Adrenaline was definitely our friend and we didn't need to be drunk, or under the influence of any drugs to get wild and crazy outside of the bedroom. There was something about our connection that allowed us to come by our adventurous sides so naturally that I knew we would never truly grow old.

Our third anniversary dinner was going to be a special one. I wasn't going to buy her an engagement ring yet, but I had already made inquiries for when I finally got around to asking her dad for her hand in marriage. I was going to do things properly and respectfully, no sneaking around like our wild sex life.

Going to the most expensive restaurant in the city wasn't an issue, but the portions they served were ridiculous. My girlfriend and I didn't expect to be so full that we wouldn't be able to have dessert at the end, even if we were to share.

Once I paid for the bill – with her paying the tip and glass of wine she had – we headed to the park outside the restaurant that was well maintained and the perfect place to walk off a meal. Old street lamps lit up the stone walkway and the flowers were in full bloom. We walked off to a section that had benches to get some privacy and see if we could find the stars in the night sky.

"I still can't see anything," she said.

"Yeah, me neither," I replied.

"I kind of feel like dessert now though."

She took my hand and had me sit down on one of the benches and then undid my belt. I looked around through the bushes to see if anyone was coming and then jolted as she took my cock in her mouth. Listening for anyone that might be coming, I let her do her thing for a while. When she stopped, she smiled, kissed me and then turned around. She lifted her black dress and then sat down on my cock, sliding her thong off to the side.

Rocking her hips back and forth as she sat on my lap, we fucked, incognito. We hadn't tried having sex while sitting before, but once I felt how tight she was in the position, I wished we had done it sooner. Squeezing her pussy around my cock as she rocked back and forth in the middle of a park at night was quite daring. It was a good thing we were dressed in black and that she had a dress on, but it would still be pretty awkward if someone walked up on us.

As I thought about it, I jinxed us and no more than a few minutes later, an elderly couple came walking up to take a look around.

"Lovely night isn't it?" the man asked.

"Yes," I agreed. "It sure is."

My girlfriend leaned back into me and I wrapped my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder as the couple then smiled at us and left.

"Well that was close," she whispered to me.

"Yeah, I know."

"I was about to cum when they walked up too."

I chuckled a bit at her misfortune, but then grabbed her hips to get the juices flowing again. During the encounter with the elderly couple, I somehow managed to stay hard and my girlfriend somehow managed to pretend like I wasn't. As she rocked back and forth again, she then reached orgasm and rode me until I came as well.

When we both finished, she stayed on my cock and sat still.

"You waiting for something?" I asked.

"Not exactly... but, how are we supposed to clean up?"

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