Chapter 1- Summer

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It was the first day of summer and that meant sleeping in, no drama, no school, and boys. Lots of boys.

I woke up at 8:30 and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I felt like being lazy, so I just threw on a black sports bra and some old cheer shorts. I blow dried my long brown hair and threw it into a messy bun on the top of my head. After that it was around 9:15, so I went downstairs to get something to eat.

My mom had already left for work and I figured that Kian would still be sleeping. When I got to the kitchen, I was very surprised to find my brother's friends, Jarrad and Sam, at the kitchen table eating.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked while walking into the pantry.

"What are you doing here?" Jarrad asked as he put his plate in the sink.

"I live here."

"So do I." Jarrad said as he winked at me.

I blushed and Jarrad walked back over to the table and sat down with Sam. I was reaching to the top shelf in the cabinet to get a plate, but I couldn't reach. When I was about to climb on the counter, I felt Jarrad press his body against mine and he said "Let me help you." as he got a plate down.

I almost fainted. I have had a crush on Jarrad for almost a year now. I knew that I had no chance with him because I was only 14 and he was 17. Not to mention the fact that I was his best friend's sister. I can't even imagine what Kian would do to Jarrad if he hurt me. But today felt different. Almost as if he actually liked me.

Jarrad walked back over to the table and sat down. As I finished  putting some fruit on my plate, Jarrad said that he was going to go wake up Kian.

Sam and I sat at the table alone for a few minutes eating. He put his plate up and sat back down. I couldn't help but notice him just staring at me. I finally looked up and said "What?"

"Nothing" he said slightly blushing and looking down.

"Sam, I'm serious. Why are you looking at me?"

"I don't know. Just noticing things that I didn't before I guess."

"Like what?"

"How beautiful you are."

I choked on a grape when he said that. I used to like Sam, but when I told him he said that I was like his little sister and nothing more. After I swallowed some water, he said "Look Jess, I know that I messed up a couple of years ago, but things have changed."

He was about to say more when Jarrad walked in and said "Kian's going to take a shower and then he'll be down. "

I turned my attention to Jarrad and said, "Where are you guys going today?"

"The beach. We're just gonna chill and have a guys day, but you can come if you want."

"That's sounds great!" I said while putting my plate in the sink. "I'm just going to go put on my swimming suit."

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